Mom Arrested After Daughter Licks Tongue Depressor in Doctor’s Office

There seems to be a new, disturbing trend of licking things in public places. The most notable, perhaps, is the girl in Texas who opened up a container of ice cream in a grocery store and licked the top. Then there was another licking incident that occurred earlier this month in Jacksonville, Florida, when a mom recorded her daughter licking a tongue depressor in a doctor’s office and shared it via Snapchat.

Cori E. Ward, a local mom, was at the All About Kids & Families Medical Center and filmed a video of her daughter licking the tongue depressors. In the video, which shows someone reaching in and taking the wood depressors, there a sign that’s visible that says, “Please do not touch medical supplies. Thank you.”

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Unfortunately, the warning was not heeded and in the video you can see the young girl take out one of the tongue depressors, lick it, and put it right back into the container. The mom, who posted the video to Snapchat, added, “Don’t tell me how to live my life.” 

There are laws, though, that dictate how you’re going to live your life, at least in certain ways. On July 12, Ward was arrested on a felony charge for “tampering with a consumer product without regard for possible death or bodily injury.”

Mugshot of Cori E. Ward

Ward told the local news station, WJAX, “I mean honestly I wasn’t thinking. I know what it’s like to have to worry about your kids’ health and stuff. I would never put somebody else’s kid at risk.” 

All About Kids & Families Medical Center also spoke to WJAX, “Upon notification of this isolated incident, we contacted law enforcement to request a full and thorough investigation,” the doctor’s office said. “We immediately removed all materials and containers from the specific exam room and re-sanitized our entire facility.”

The moral of the story? Stop licking things that don’t belong to you in public! Stay tuned for updates about Cori E. Ward and this developing story.

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