6 Months

Baby may be starting to gab or mimic, and they definitely enjoy the ba ba bas!

What should you expect now that your baby is 6 months?

Your baby is still doing a lot of growing! And they are changing by the day, it seems like!
At 6 months old, they are starting to remember familiar faces, and they adore looking at themselves in the mirror.
You’ve likely also heard your 6-month-old laugh for the first time. On top of that, your baby is getting pretty chatty! They may even be mimicking some of the sounds you make at them.
More and more, your baby is starting to communicate their wants in needs. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals, they are now capable of reaching for a toy they want and letting you know when they are full (they’ll close their lips as the spoon get closer.)
In terms of movement, your baby can likely roll from their tummy to their back, and they can support themselves while sitting up.
The CDC also recommends aiding their daily development by reading them books and carrying on conversations with them. It’s called “back and forth” play:
When your baby smiles, you smile, copy their sounds, and if your baby babbles when you are reading to them, respond by saying “Yes, that’s the cat.” It’s also important to point out objects while on walks or drives to your little one.
Your 6 month old can see several feet away now and loves color! They are probably becoming a bit more independent too. So you may see them loving their walker!
They may also be preparing for that first crawl and their first tooth may have already broke through! So make sure you’ve talked with your doctor about the right toothbrush and toothpaste to keep their gums and teeth healthy!
You’ve probably also introduced some new foods into their diet too now that they are 6 months old!

Doctor’s visits

Your baby will get a 1-month and 2-month checkup! After that, they’ll visit the doctor every two months for their first year of life. During their 6-month checkup, they’ll receive these vaccines:
PCV (Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)
RV (Rotavirus vaccine)
DTaP (Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine)
Hib (Haemophilus influenza type b vaccine)
IPV (Inactivated poliovirus vaccine)
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