Mamas Uncut

20 Accurate Baby Gender Predictor Tests Expecting Parents Should Try

Learning the sex of your baby could be as easy as asking your doctor, but who wants to spoil the fun? Baby gender predictor tests are simply measures expecting parents can use to try and learn the sex of their unborn baby. Even if you have decided to wait until the birth to learn the sex of your child, it’s still fun to guess! Further, expecting parents have to wait until about twenty weeks into pregnancy for a doctor to be able to determine the sex. Why wait!?

We decided to research the most accurate baby gender predictor tests that many parents swear by to bring you the most fun tests for you to get really speculative with. So, are you ready to learn more about baby gender predictor tests? If you want to discover if it’s a boy or a girl, get started below!

Check Out These 20 Baby Gender Predictor Tests

Chow Down on Some Garlic for a Classic Baby Gender Predictor

accurate baby gender predictor

A lot of these baby gender predictors come from “Old Wive’s Tales” or folk medicine. While the scientific accuracy of these tests has not been verified, they are time-tested which counts for something! Eat a whole bunch of garlic and if you can’t smell it, you’re carrying a girl.

Cravings as Baby Gender Predictors

Here’s a baby gender predictor that’s as old as the hills! Think about your pregnancy cravings. Are you craving chips and pickles and popcorn? Salty snacks and cravings are said to signal that you’re carrying a boy. While sweet cravings like ice cream, chocolate, and candy indicate a girl!

More Cravings as Baby Gender Predictors

Another strange craving that supposedly hints at girl is a citrus craving. If you are chugging orange juice, lemonade, etc., it’s said that you should expect a baby girl.

More Old Wives’ Tales as Baby Gender Predictors

Another way to predict the sex of your baby can be found in your sleep position. It’s said that if you sleep on your left side more often than your right, you’re having a boy. For those who favor their right, expect a girl.

How Has the Nausea Been for You?

Another indicator can be found in the amount of nausea you are experiencing throughout your pregnancy. If you have been relatively free from upset stomach and morning sickness, you are likely having a boy. If you’ve been nauseous more often, you can expect a little girl.

A Baby Gender Predictor Might Already Be In the Palms of Your Hands

Have you noticed that you’ve had dry hands during your pregnancy? Dry hands are an indication that you will have a boy. Soft hands are an indication that you will have a girl.

Do As the Mayans

According to Mayan tradition, gender prediction is all about the numbers. Consider the age you were when you conceived and the year in which that happened. If both of those numbers are odd or even, you’re having a girl. If one of the numbers is odd and the other even, you should expect a boy.

Your Partner Might be the Baby Gender Predictor

If a partner has joined you on your pregnancy journey, they might hold the clue for whether you will have a boy or girl. It’s normal for the person who carries the child to gain weight but if your partner also gains weight, expect a girl. An unexplained phenomenon is for partners to also experience morning sickness. If that happens, expect a baby boy.

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The Pendulum Baby Gender Predictor

We have seen this one done in a couple of ways. One involves using a wedding ring. String the ring onto a necklace and then hold it over your belly so the ring dangles over it. If the pendulum swings in a circle, you should expect a girl. If the ring swings back and forth, it’s a baby boy. The other ways we have seen this done is with a crystal or stone in place of the ring. The pendulum is the important part, not how you construct it.

Chinese Baby Gender Predictor 1

There are a few Chinese baby gender predictor tests out there. One popular one you will have to wait until after you’ve hit the seven-month mark in your pregnancy. After you’ve hit that point, feel which side of your belly the baby’s right hand presses. If the baby presses on your right side, it’s a boy. The left? Expect a little girl.

The Baking Soda Baby Gender Predictor

Now, this one is not pretty! You will need a cup (a disposable one will be desired by most) and some backing soda. Put a heaping tablespoon of baking soda into the cup and then, urinate into the cup. If your urine fizzes, it’s a boy.

Another Somewhat Messy Baby Gender Predictor

You will need sea salt for this baby gender predictor test. Grab a generous pinch of salt and lightly press it into your breast before you go to sleep. The next morning when you wake up, check to see if the skin in the area where you put the salt is moist. If so, you’re having a girl. If you’re dry, it’s likely a boy.

Are You a Moody Mama or a Mellow One?

Another one of the old baby gender predictors involves you evaluating your own mood. Have you been more moody than chill? A moody pregnancy likely indicates a girl. A more mellow pregnancy is said to be indicative of a boy.

Consult a Boy

Here’s an old one that’s cute no matter if it is accurate or not. Go find yourself a little boy! If the young one takes interest in your pregnancy belly, you should expect a girl. If the boy could care less, expect another girl.

Check Those Curves as a Baby Gender Predictor

According to Latin American traditions, you should look at your face. As your pregnancy progresses, do you notice that your face looks rounder and rounder? If your face has gotten progressively rounder, you should expect a girl. Conversely, if your face has largely remained unchanged, but your behind has been growing, expect a boy!

The Heart Rate Baby Gender Predictor

The next time you’re getting an ultrasound, take into account the baby’s heart rate. Notice the beats per minute. If your little one is ticking at 140BPM or more, buckle up! You’re having a little girl!

How Clear’s That Skin?

Another baby gender predictor might be right on your nose! If you have gotten really bad acne due to pregnancy hormones? That could indicate a baby girl is on her way to you!

Feeling Clumsy? That Could Be a Baby Gender Predictor

Are you as graceful as a ballerina just gliding through your pregnancy life? If not, and if you’ve noticed yourself becoming clumsy, you should expect a baby boy.

This Baby Gender Predictor Is Key!

Grab any key a house key or car key will work just fine. No, really, go grab a key before you read any further. Did you get that key? If you picked the key up by the round end? That means a baby boy is on the way. If you grabbed the long end of the key, you should expect a girl!

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A Baby Gender Predictor Based on Stress

This is an old wives’ tale that feels like a study should be built around it. Anyway, think back to the time of your baby’s conception. Were you more stressed in general at that time of your life? Was your partner (or donor) more stressed? The person who was less stressed at the time of conception will determine the sex of your baby, meaning, the baby will be the same sex as the stress-free person.

There you go! What did you think of these baby gender predictors? Do you think any of these will actually work? There’s no way to tell as many of them have 50-50 outcomes! However, it’s fun to think about! If you would like to try some of these just out of pure excitement, go for it! However, you will need to rely on hard scientific methods for determining the actual sex of your baby! Baby gender predictors are a fun way for you and your partner to bond leading up to the birth which as good an excuse as any to try some of these!

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