18 Months

Pretend play can start to happen around this age, so put a play phone to your ear and have a play conversation! Then see what your toddler does when you hand the phone to them!

What should you expect now that your toddler is 18 months?

Your baby’s personality is becoming more and more obvious. And so is their independence.
Their favorite word right now may also be “no” right now! This too shall pass!
They are copying your actions and may even enjoy cleaning alongside you. But don’t get used to it, it may not last long.
They use their hands to feed themselves, they like to scribble with crayons, and they like to climb on furniture!
When it comes to milestones, there is so much happening daily.

Your kiddo is likely:

Practicing using a spoon
Following simple instructions and commands
Drinking from cups without lids
Adding more words to their vocabulary
The CDC encourages parents to “pretend play” with their kids and using positive words to identify good and wanted behaviors.
It’s important to also help your kids identify feelings and how to react to those feelings. “He looks sad. Let’s bring him a teddy,” is just one example of how to do that.
You could also start thinking about maybe potty training your little one. According to Pampers, “typically, experts recommend potty training start after the second birthday, but some toddlers might be ready earlier.”
18 months

Feeding and sleeping

And when it comes to eating, your toddler could either be really adventurous with their diet or very picky! So long as they are getting their necessary nutrients, that’s all that matters. Most kids this age eat three small meals and may ask for a few snacks throughout the day.
Eighteen-month-olds need about 12 to 14 hours of sleep per day. So they are likely still indulging in one nap each day.

Doctor’s visits

During your toddler’s 15-month checkup, they’ll receive these vaccines:
Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine)
IPV (Inactivated poliovirus vaccine)
PCV (Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)
MMR (Measles, mumps, rubella vaccine)
Varicella (Chickenpox vaccine)
DTaP (Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine)
During your toddler’s 18-month checkup, they’ll receive these vaccines:
IPV (Inactivated poliovirus vaccine)
DTaP (Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine)
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