Mamas Uncut

Mom Using Baby Monitor to Watch Her Kids While She Got Ready Spots ‘Ghost’ Lady on Baby Monitor… Then She Realized What It Really Was

“This is the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced in my life.” That’s how one mom described the images she saw on the baby monitor she used to keep a watchful eye on her children.

On Facebook, a mom named Leila Livingston wrote that she “was getting ready to go out with my husband. That means fixing my hair and makeup and finding an outfit.” She noted that because she has four children, getting ready is not an easy task.

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Livingston continued:

“Since their new obsession is The Lion King, I decided to put the movie on so they’d sit and watch it so I could get ready. They were sitting quietly on the couch. Jayce was in his chair beside them.”

Every so often the mom would check the monitor through her iPad to make sure her little ones were still quietly watching the movie. Then the “scariest thing” this mom has ever experienced happened.

During one of her checks, Livingston was stunned when she “saw someone (an adult) sitting on my couch looking at the baby and the babies just watching their movie like it was no big deal. My heart dropped.”

“I ran downstairs and turned the corner to the living room and no one was on the couch. I JUST saw them ten seconds before. The babies were still sitting there in the same exact spots watching their movie. This person was on my camera but not actually there? Naturally, I assumed it was a ghost and I caught it on my camera!”

Livingston told Kidspot what she was thinking in that moment. “I just knew that no one was supposed to be in my house and there was clearly someone there. I didn’t even think about what I was going to do, I just ran as fast as I could downstairs to my living room.”

Leila Livingston/Facebook

But then the mom went back upstairs and looked at the monitor again. And there was the woman, still sitting on the couch, watching her children. So the mom FaceTimed her mom to show her what she was seeing.

“I called my mom to show her this ghost on my iPad. As I was getting ready to show her, I looked down and lost it.” And that’s the moment it hit her, the “ghost” woman watching her children was actually her.

As Livingston explained, her camera glitched during the time she was watching her kids watch The Lion King and transposed the live stream over a still image from a previous video. “Somehow my iPad went from the camera’s live view to a clip that was recorded earlier. It was me. I was the ghost on the couch,” Livingston wrote on Facebook.

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She later told Kidspot, “I went to focus my camera on my phone on the iPad screen to show my mum and that’s when I realized what had happened. It was me. I was the ghost on the couch.”

“I lost it. I was laughing so hard that I was crying. My mum was crying. My heart was still pounding. It was hilarious. I have no idea how it went from the live stream to a clip from earlier in the day.”

The photo and the story soon went viral, being shared by over 29,000 people, with many people saying they would have freaked out initially as well. Could you imagine?

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