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Derick Dillard Gets Extremely Candid When Commenter Asks Why the Duggars Get Married So Young

Derick Dillard Gets Extremely Candid When Commenter Asks Why the Duggars Get Married So Young

Jill Dillard/Instagram

Jill Duggar’s husband Derick Dillard did not hold back when asked why members of the Duggar family marry young. According to E! News, Derick got candid on Instagram about his in-laws after his wife posted a photo of her new nose ring.

As fans of the family may remember, it was a big deal when Jill revealed her facial piercing as the Duggars have a lot of strict rules and guidelines around their appearances. For starters, it’s frowned upon for girls to wear pants, short shorts, or short skirts. And it’s also frowned upon to cut their hair too short.

RELATED: Jill Duggar Dillard ‘Never Expected’ to Have Such Distance from Her Family

While it’s unclear if the family has any rules against piercings, it wouldn’t be surprising if they did. However, because Jill’s nose piercing is old news, people used the comments section of her post recent post to question why the members of her family get married so young.

“Why do you guys rush to marry life,” the fan wrote. “He’s a kid and Claire too!!!” 

The question came after news broke that Jill’s younger brother 18-year-old Justin Duggar proposed to his 19-year-old fiancée Claire Spivey after just two months of courting.

While Jill didn’t respond to the question, Derick Dillard did. And rather bluntly, we have to admit.

“Because we want to have sex,” Derick admitted plain and simple. And people were very pleased with his candor.

“You Rock Derick!!! It’s called hormones, they are just like all other young kids/adults, no different. Thanks for your candid honesty,” one commenter wrote. 

“Yesssssss! I love the honesty. That is why i love you guys,” another added.

Like their rules regarding appearance, the Duggars also have rules on what they can and cannot do prior to marriage. For example, they are obviously not allowed to have sex, or kiss, or full on hug. They are allowed to give side hugs and they can date as long as it is supervised. 

RELATED: Derick Dillard Promises To Reveal ‘Everything Soon’ In Regards To Feud With Duggars

Since Jill and Derick Dillard have stepped away from the spotlight brought on by their family’s many reality shows, the couple has been even more open about how they choose to live their lives separate from the Duggar’s rules. Currently, Jill and Derick have two boys, 5-year-old Israel and 3-year-old Samuel. It’s unclear if they plan to have anymore.

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