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Does Anyone Have Advice on Getting Pregnant After Multiple Miscarriages?

A woman writes in asking for advice about getting pregnant after experiencing several miscarriages. This woman recently suffered her third miscarriage, and though she is still processing the trauma, she is also ready to try again. She turns to the community for advice, asking specifically if other women who have experienced a similar difficult pregnancy journey have any tips or would be willing to share what they did differently when they were eventually able to carry to term.

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A member of the community asks:

“Getting pregnant after multiple miscarriages?

Okay, mamas. I’m back. I’ve had my 3rd miscarriage as of yesterday. I’m feeling all of the feelings, but more than that I am ready to take the steps I need to until we can try again. I know this is common. I’m not alone, and my heart is with every single angel out there in the same boat. If anyone here has had a healthy successful pregnancy after multiple miscarriages, what was something you did differently? Did you make any changes? Whatever you think may have helped, I want to hear all about it. Thank you so much in advance.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Woman Who Is Asking for Advice on Getting Pregnant After Several Miscarriages

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this woman in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

Does Anyone Have Advice on Getting Pregnant After Multiple Miscarriages?

The community offered this woman in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“You are not alone. I have miscarried 4 times.. 3 back to back and now I am currently 24 weeks. You got this. Pray and know it will hurt and be scary but it is possible. I have an 8yr old rainbow baby as well and soon to have two. You got this and you are never alone!”

“I’m sorry for your loss. I had 2 miscarriages. I would check with your OB to see if you can do testing on you and your significant other. I had a successful pregnancy after those 2 and I didn’t change anything.”

“I had 4 miscarriages before conceiving my twins I never changed anything I just simply gave up on having more kids.”

“I was a lot more careful, a lot more in tune with my body, and not afraid to bug my OB and found one who was gonna be there for me every step of the way.”

“I found out I had a clotting disorder. Took a baby aspirin every day through my last pregnancy and carried to term. Others use blood thinners, but I couldn’t give myself shots.”

“Has your doctor run any tests? After multiple miscarriages my doctor ran tests for some autoimmune disorders… sometimes all it takes is some time. When your body is ready it will happen. It took me 12 years and multiple miscarriages, but I finally have my final baby. Good luck, Mama.”

“After 5 miscarriages I saw a fertility specialist and found out I don’t produce enough progesterone to carry past the first trimester. The next time I had a positive test, I was put on Progesterone ASAP and carried to term, and then when I got pregnant again we did the same thing and carried to term successfully again. Sometimes it’s something as small as a hormonal imbalance. I’d say after 3 miscarriages it’s time to see a specialist! Good luck.”

“I had my daughter in 2006. After her, I had 3 miscarriages. Took me 7 years after the last one to get pregnant again. My doctor put me on progesterone suppositories because my progesterone levels were low. I had a healthy pregnancy and baby. Then got pregnant again 9 months later and put on progesterone again and had another healthy pregnancy and baby. I believe the progesterone suppositories helped!”

“I got healthy in my mind and body. The more stressed you are the more likely you are to miscarry. I had 3 miscarriages in a couple of years and now I’m about to have my second baby in 3 years! I have an almost 2-year-old girl and about to have a boy!”

“I had 2 miscarriages both at exactly 16 weeks. Then my 3rd was a successful pregnancy. All 3 times i had placenta previa. The first 2 times the placenta detached and the 3rd time it moved on its own and he was fine. I did nothing different. In fact it was harder NOT to stress, not to be in the bathroom 1000 times a day looking for blood. Good luck to you!”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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