Ever Heard of Hatch? Here Are the Benefits of Using One

Be honest – are you getting enough sleep each night? And not just enough sleep, but enough quality sleep each night? With a strong emphasis on the word ‘quality’ because not all sleep is created equal. 

According to the CDC, one-third of US adults report that they usually get less than the recommended amount of sleep – and that’s not including the ones who get enough, but aren’t making the most out of it.

To make matters worse, a recent study by the Sleep Foundation found that 37% of American adults slept somewhat or much worse in 2023 than in previous years – meaning the problem is only getting worse. 

RELATED: 60 Good Night Quotes for Peaceful, Restful Sleep

So, how can we improve sleep quality once and for all? 

There are a lot of things you can start doing today to improve sleep hygiene – including maintaining a regular bedtime and morning routine, creating the right sleep environment (quiet, dark, and around 65°F), reducing screen time, staying physically active during the day, and avoiding large meals before bed.  

Of course, you don’t have to abandon technology altogether. 

Especially with all the sleep tech available these days. From sleep apps to smart sleep masks, wearable sleep trackers, white noise machines, sleep disorder aides, and, who could forget, the alarm clock. 

For those who want a memorable sleep experience, we might have the thing for you. 

And it’s called Hatch. 

What Is Hatch? 

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Hatch is a sleep tech company founded by husband-wife duo Ann Crady Weiss and Dave Weiss in 2014. She spent long nights awake with their first baby, and he has ongoing struggles with insomnia, so bedtime was always a struggle for the entire family. They needed help, so they took matters into their own hands.

Their first product was the Grow Smart Changing Pad and Scale, which was featured on Shark Tank in 2016. They left with a deal and saw instant success, but quickly realized the market was far too small.

So, they switched their modus operandi and started targeting sleep-related issues. 

As a result, the Weiss family introduced two new devices to their repertoire: the Hatch Rest, launched in 2017, and the Hatch Restore, released in 2020. Both sleep devices have since received a makeover.

For those who have difficulty sleeping, Hatch Restore could help you fall in love with sleeping again. And for those who have children who struggle at bedtime, Hatch Rest can help them get the most out of sleep.

Restore: Hatch for Adults

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Hatch Restore is a bedside device designed for adults and college students who want to get more out of their nightly sleep cycle. It might look like a decoration, but it functions like an all-in-one sleep assistant. 

It’s a night light, an alarm clock, a sound machine, a sleep aid, and a nighttime companion complete with stories, sounds, music, and more—and you can control everything from a state-of-the-art mobile app. 

There are currently two generations to choose from:

Restore 1. The first generation was released in 2020. It doesn’t have as many sounds and lights as the newer version, but it’s $70 cheaper and is a great way to introduce someone to the Restore lifestyle. 

Restore 2. The second generation was released in 2023. It introduced 10 new sunrise sounds, new light and sound pairings, 21 new sleep sounds, and a ‘morning moment’ feature to start your day off right. 

The Restore device helps you throughout every stage of the sleep process. It gets you in the right mood, helps you fall and stay asleep, and helps you wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and restored. 

Rest: Hatch for Babies & Kids

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Hatch Rest is a bedside device designed for infants, toddlers, and young children who put up a fight once bedtime rolls around. Unlike the ‘sunrise’ shape of the Restore, this device is shaped more like a cylinder. 

“From sounds to soothe your newborn to cues that teach your little kid to stay in bed until a reasonable hour, Rest is the dream machine that helps your child sleep at every age and stage,” their website reads.

There are currently three options to choose from:

Rest 2nd Gen. The original Rest device was released in 2017, but the second generation was launched in 2022. It introduced a dimmable clock, a docking station for convenient charging, and more content. 

Rest+ 2nd Gen. The Rest+ device is $20 more expensive, but it introduces an eight-hour backup battery (which comes in handy when the power goes out) and is compatible with Alexa to make things easier. 

Rest Go. The Rest Go device, released in 2023, is a portable, on-the-go sound machine equipped with 10 soothing sounds. It’s the size of a small apple and can easily clip onto any purse, bag, or stroller.

The Rest device helps cue your child for bedtime, helps them fall asleep with sounds and bedtime stories, helps them stay asleep for a full night’s rest, and lets them know when it’s time to rise and wake up.

Is the Hatch+ Subscription Worth It? 

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The Hatch Rest and Restore devices can be enjoyed straight out of the box, but those who want a more immersive experience can sign up for the Hatch+ subscription – which costs around $10 per month.

The Hatch Sleep Membership provides access to additional, premium content – including binaural beats, meditations, breathing exercises, yoga, stretches, ambient sounds, soundscapes, music, and stories. 

To be clear, you still have access to all of those things straight out of the box – the subscription just gives you more variety. The good news is you get a free one-month trial with the purchase of your device. 

So, is the subscription worth it? 

That’s up to you. I recommend trying it without the subscription first – get a feel for what it’s capable of without the extra investment. Then, give the one-month trial a try and see if it adds any value to you or your child. If it does, then it’ll be easy to justify the $10 per month. If not, stick with the basic version.

10 Benefits of Using Hatch

via Shutterstock (George Rudy)

In today’s fast-paced world, where stress levels are high and digital screens are omnipresent, getting a good night’s sleep has become more challenging than ever—not just for children but also for us adults.

Don’t worry – that’s where Hatch comes into play. 

Hatch devices – whether you’ve purchased the Rest or Restore – are easy to set up and even easier to use. There aren’t a lot of buttons to work with (only a few on the actual device), and most of the controls are managed through the mobile app (which is a plus for anyone who uses their phone as a smart hub). 

Once you find the right location for it, just turn it on and turn your attention to the app. 

Whether you’re a sleep-deprived parent, someone struggling to maintain a healthy sleep schedule, or simply looking for a more restful night’s sleep, here are 10 of the most compelling reasons why investing in a Hatch Rest or Restore device could be one of the best decisions you make for your well-being.

10. Improved Sleep Quality

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Sleep quality refers to how well you sleep, as opposed to how long or how often you sleep. It’s a way of measuring the true effectiveness of sleep, and its ability to restore and rejuvenate the mind and body. 

A Hatch device can improve sleep quality by 1) reducing the amount of time it takes to fall asleep, 2) reducing the number of times you wake up while sleeping, 3) reducing how long you’re awake after waking in the middle of the night, and 4) increasing the amount of time you’re asleep each night. 

Just getting 7-9 hours of sleep (or more, if you’re a child) isn’t enough anymore – your body needs (and honestly deserves) 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night, and a Hatch device can help you achieve that.

9. Better Mood Throughout the Day

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We all know that feeling when we don’t get enough sleep (or enough quality sleep) each night. We wake up the next morning feeling groggy, irritable, impulsive, anxious, lethargic, depressed, and much more. 

Since a Hatch sleep device can help improve sleep quality, it can also help improve mental health, mood, and emotional regulation. You’ll feel more ready and better equipped to handle the curveballs life throws at you – giving you the strength to power through the negativity and remain positive throughout the day. 

It’s the difference between waking up on the wrong side of the bed, and waking up on the right side of the bed – your days won’t feel like a battle anymore. Instead, your days will play out naturally and organically.

8. Reduced Screen Time at Night

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Screen time is one of the biggest mistakes people make when getting ready for bed, yet most of us have no idea why we should avoid it. Believe it or not, it all boils down to the blue light these screens emit. 

Exposure to blue light tricks our brain into thinking it’s still daylight, disrupting our natural circadian rhythm and reducing the amount of melatonin the body produces. Melatonin, also known as the sleep chemical, is produced by the pineal gland (middle of the brain) and helps put us into a state of quiet wakefulness. 

Instead of using your phone as an alarm clock or noise machine, you can take your phone out of the equation and manage everything on your Hatch device – reducing your exposure to harmful blue light. 

7. Customize Your Bedtime Routine

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When you purchase a Hatch device, you gain full access to the Hatch mobile app – which allows you to customize your bedtime routine to your liking. If you struggle with staying consistent, this is your solution. 

For example, let’s say your ideal bedtime routine is to read for 30 minutes, meditate for 10 minutes, and then fall asleep. You can preset your Hatch to emit a soothing light while you read, and then automatically start the soundscape of your choice for 10 minutes while you gradually close your eyes and fall asleep. 

All of this can be preset in the mobile app well before you begin your bedtime routine. To start the routine, all you need to do is tap the top of your Hatch device – and make sure your device is in its ‘rest’ mode. 

6. Customize Your Morning Routine

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Ensuring consistency in your bedtime routine is important, but you want that same consistency in the morning when you wake up. Don’t worry – your Hatch device can help you get the most out of that, too. 

The first step is deciding what time you want to wake up. For example, if you want to be up at 8 a.m., the alarm will quietly start around 7:30 a.m. to allow for a gradual wake cycle. And since it’s a sunrise alarm clock, the light will gradually brighten to stimulate the sunrise – signaling the body that it’s time to get up.

By going to bed and waking up at the same times every day, you help reinforce your body’s sleep-wake cycle, which can improve the quality of your sleep – which is what we’re trying to improve, isn’t it? 

5. Use Your Hatch As an Alarm Clock

via Shutterstock (Ana Blazic Pavlovic)

Piggybacking off that last benefit, having a Hatch device in your room means you can get rid of that tacky alarm clock sitting on your nightstand – replacing it with something that looks more like a decoration.

Not only that, but your Hatch device is equipped with a dimmable clock – as opposed to the bright display that most alarm clocks offer these days. It might not make a huge difference, but those bright displays can light up the room and disturb your ability to fall or stay asleep – which, of course, can hurt sleep quality.

But don’t just consider your Hatch device a replacement – consider it an upgrade. After all, you won’t have to listen to that horrible, obnoxious beeping noise – instead, you can wake up to a soothing sound!

4. Soothing Sounds to Calm You Down

via Shutterstock (Nikita M production)

Speaking of soothing sounds, Hatch devices are full of them. More specifically, they contain 10 different wake sounds, nine sleep sounds and soundscapes, and a wealth of other music and narrative stories. 

Hatch turns your alarm clock into a full-on sound machine, giving you everything you need to optimize your nighttime and waketime routines. Whether you want to meditate to the sound of light rain, fall asleep to the sound of an evening campfire, or wake up to the sound of pink noise – Hatch has you covered!

And you can increase the content available by purchasing the Hatch+ subscription – which gives you access to breathing exercises, guided meditations, sleep stories, dreamscapes, and relaxing music. 

3. Use Your Hatch As a Nightlight

via Shutterstock (Ekaterina Pokrovsky)

Not only does your Hatch device act as a sound machine, but it’s also a nightlight! It can help children overcome their fear of the dark or give an adult the perfect amount of light while reading in bed at night. 

There are a variety of colors to choose from – you basically have the rainbow to choose from – and you can customize the intensity. While it won’t light up the entire room (unless it’s a small room), it’ll light up the area where it’s located – enough to be used as a reading light or help you not trip over something. 

There are also 10 different sunrises to choose from, which simulate a sunrise by gradually increasing the intensity of the light while you wake up. It’s almost like natural light, but you can keep your blinds closed!

2. Different Colors & Cover Options 

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As far as the actual device goes, buyers have several colors to choose from – though it depends on which device you’re interested in. For example, the Restore 2 device is available in Putty, Slate, and Latte. 

The Restore 1 device is only available in gray, while the Rest and Rest+ devices are only available in white—but the Rest Go device is available in five different colors (Mint, Peach, Putty, Honey, and Slate). Of course, you can further customize the ‘color’ of the device by changing the color of the nightlight. 

You can further customize your Hatch device’s appearance by purchasing a cover – though this option is only available for the Rest and Rest+ devices. The covers are designed to attract a younger audience. 

1. How Can It Help Babies & Toddlers? 

via Shutterstock (Dragana Gordic)

A Hatch sleep device can be a valuable tool in establishing and maintaining a healthy sleep routine for toddlers, who often benefit significantly from the consistency and comfort that such routines provide. 

Soothing sounds help your child feel more comfortable. The nightlight can help them feel more safe and secure. Bedtime stories can help them fall asleep when you’re not there to comfort them. The ‘time to rise’ indicator lets them know when it’s time to wake up. And they’ll feel much more refreshed during the day. 

Of course, let’s not forget – that means the parents get to sleep better, too. Less distractions, disruptions, and disturbances translate to improved sleep quality – which is always good for the mind and body. 

Would We Recommend Investing In a Hatch? 

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According to Hatch, their Rest and Restore devices have helped put more than four million people to sleep. They claim that 83% of their customers say their personal sleep has improved, 78% find waking up more enjoyable, and 90% feel more confident in their ability to help their child sleep on a nightly basis.

Still, many people are unaware of what the device is and whether they should add it to their routine. 

That was the case with one of our readers – who asked this in our Answers by Mamas Uncut community: 

“Anyone here use a hatch? What are your thoughts? I didn’t use one with my first two kiddos, but my SIL bought one for us for this baby that’s coming. It seems great but I don’t want to pay a membership if it’s not worth it lol we’re already kinda strapped on bills.”

Most of our mama experts praised the device, and even said the membership isn’t necessary. 

“We have 3 hatches, one for each girl and one for us,” someone responded in our online forum. “There’s no membership that we pay but we have the most basic model for both girls and just one step up for ours. We love them though plus their costumer service is excellent.” You can join the conversation here.

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At the end of the day, some people are going to get a lot of use out of their Hatch device, while other people might not benefit from having one in their room. If you’re having a hard time maintaining a regular sleep routine or want to improve your bedtime habits, it won’t hurt to give the Hatch device a chance.

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Mamas Uncut is THE online place for moms. We cover the latest about motherhood, parenting, and entertainment as well – all with a mom-focused twist. So if you're looking for parenting advice from real parents, we have plenty of it, all for moms from moms, and also experts. Because, at the end of the day, our mission is focused solely on empowering moms and moms-to-be with the knowledge and answers they’re looking for in one safe space.

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