Heather El Moussa Slammed After She Offers Her Followers a ‘Mom-Tip’

People are slamming celebrity real estate agent Heather El Moussa after she celebrated taking her 3-month-old son on his first flight.

“Our little traveling boy,” Heather wrote alongside a photo of her adorable little boy sitting on the plane with her. “Took Tristan on his first flight ever with Tay and Bray so they could be with us at The Flipping Summit and see us in our element.”

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However, while it was Tristan’s first flight, many of Heather’s followers found the post rather unrelatable. Why? Well because the El Moussa family flew private, rather than commercial. 

“Tristan did such an incredible job and mom-tip, I breastfed him on the way up and then again on the way down to help with ear popping. It worked perfectly and then the rest of the flight he just giggled, played, and looked around and was so happy & didn’t cry once… he loved the new environment.”

Heather continued, adding, “He also slept the longest he’s ever slept at the hotel and it was great because in between speaking or in between events I would rush back to breastfeed him. He was such an angel. Proud mama moment.”


One commenter admitted that breastfeeding on a commercial flight is a lot harder than on a private flight, while another commenter added, “My son simultaneously peed, pooped, and vomited on his first flight and then I got the opportunity to change him in the teeny tiny airplane lavatory. So, pretty much the same experience.”

Although some of her followers did come to her defense. “She’s not ‘privileged,’ flying private, she works her ass off. If we had money, we would do it too. She didn’t say, ‘Omg moms, you should try this,’ she said, ‘Here’s a tip that worked for me, breastfeed up and down,’ that has zero to do with how she’s flying. You can all breastfeed on any commercial or private plane too. This is another reason why no one wants to share their life and their pictures. The moms out there being rude, are shaming her for her lifestyle. She and Tarek work every day almost and their jobs are just as stressful. It’s unfortunate we can’t all just say, ‘awe cute pics’ and move on.”

Tarek also came to her defense as well, responding to a comment defining Heather, writing “Love you all!”

As Mamas Uncut previously reported, Tarek and Heather welcomed Tristan into the world on January 31. In a post alongside the first public photos of their baby boy, Heather and Tarek revealed the scary way in which he made his entrance into the world.

She revealed that they “were at my final doctor appointment and our Dr. rushed us to the hospital to get monitored because Tristan‘s movements had slowed down. I was 4 days past his due date,” Heather explained. 

Thankfully, while the labor was touch and go, Heather and Tarek safely welcomed their baby boy into the world a few hours later. “I pushed so hard all the blood vessels broke in my face and chest.”

Heather Rae also revealed that Tristan has been dealing with a few health issues now that he’s earthside. While talking with her Instagram followers, Heather revealed that Tristan is “jaundiced,” as well as “tongue, cheek, and lip tied” making it difficult for him to breastfeed.

RELATED: Heather Rae El Moussa Opens Up About Health Issues Newborn Son Tristan Is Dealing With

“As promised, I want to talk to you guys about my breastfeeding journey because it’s definitely been a journey!! I thought…. I’ll just pop him on my boob and feed him anytime. Ya no!!! Tristan had tongue tie, cheek tie, lip tie, and jaundice which were all caught very early on thanks to my incredible lactation specialist and @tonguetietribe, they’re literally baby fairies.”

Heather Rae Young Is Happy Being a Bonus Mom to Fiancé Tarek El Moussa's Kids

As Heather continued, she wrote that she is so lucky to have found them for the knowledge & support but it made it very hard for him to latch & suck and it made it so that he was burning a lot of calories because it was so hard for him to eat so his weight was dropping.”

Thankfully, after undergoing surgery, Tristan is latching much easier now. “We’re now 2 weeks past getting his tongue tie fixed and he’s latching so well on the left side and we’re still working on the right side using non-traditional positions which were shown to me by the baby fairies.”

“Even with all this going on, I genuinely love breastfeeding. I love the skin-to-skin connection and think it’s such a beautiful bonding experience. It might be hard and challenging at the moment but it is such a special experience that I get to share with our baby boy,” she concluded.

Tarek El Moussa and Heather Rae Young Comment On Christina Haack's Recent Engagement To Joshua Hall
Image via Instagram

We are so glad to see things coming together for Heather and Tarek and their new baby boy Tristan.

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