My Husband Isn’t Thinking of His Family’s Health During This Pandemic: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her husband, whom she says is not taking the ongoing pandemic seriously. The husband works outside the house, and when he comes home, he makes no effort to wash his hands, remove dirty clothing, or otherwise be sanitary. Their daughter has a history of pneumonia, so this mom wants to know what she should do.

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A member of the community asks:

“My husband isn’t thinking of his family during this pandemic: Advice?

So my husband goes to work half the day & he works with the right amount of people. When he gets home, he takes his uniform off & puts it on our couch. He doesn’t shower, wash his hands, keep his boots outside. I keep reminding him every day about this & he brushes it off like we can’t get sick because we stay inside the house all day. But he doesn’t realize that’s our daughter has a history of pneumonia & she just got her 15-month shots. Should I go to stay somewhere else?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Is Frustrated with Her Husband for Not Taking Pandemic Precautions Seriously

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Fan QuestionMy husband isn't thinking of his family during this pandemic: Advice?So my husband goes to work half the…

Posted by Mamas Uncut on Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Advice Summary

My Husband Isn't Thinking of His Family's Health During This Pandemic: Advice?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“Ohhh no. I’m 8 months pregnant and I’m off work now. My fiancé works in construction I make him take his boots off outside take all his work clothes off throw them in the basement (where the laundry is) and wash his hands then shower. He gets annoyed because I’m extremely careful but he listens to me because he cares about his family. Sounds like you’re husband needs to take this more seriously and realize he’s putting his family at risk… lay down the rules!! We have to protect our families!”

“Why in the world does he not shower after work lol that’s the first thing my husband does when he gets home… Even before covid…”

“Tell him that if he can’t be responsible to find another place to stay until this is over.”

“I would stay elsewhere. My husband is still working and strips at the door cause I am just getting over surgery as well as having three kids under 7 in the house.”

“Mine does this too but refuses to change his clothes or even take his boots off. Doesn’t shower most nights either bc he does so in the morning to wake up or jumps in the the evenings. He travels to hot spots and works construction. He thinks its all a hoax. Refuses to hear reason even though I’m immune-compromised and carrying his child at 7 months pregnant. He also invites friends and family over all the time bc they’re bored. I stay in my room most of the time and then he comes in and lays in our bed in his work clothes and falls asleep. Thinking of smothering him with a pillow since all else has failed. Good luck!”

“My bf and his 2 kids are staying with his mom for this reason.”

“Let him know he either follows the rules or you will stay somewhere else. My husband showers, boots outside and clothes off in the laundry room. Doesn’t touch anyone until he is clean. It’s just being considerate.”

“Tell him he’s putting his baby at risk of dying!! If he doesn’t care, kick him out.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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