Karma Quotes Will Remind You That What Goes Around Comes Back Around

Karma quotes help keep us grounded. But, What is karma? Karma means “act, deed, or work.” For the believers in spirituality (mainly Hinduism and Buddhism) the term refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect, often descriptively called the principle of karma. The intent and actions of a person (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect). Thus, good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and happier rebirths, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and bad rebirths.

Now that you have a good understanding of the principle of karma, we can look at some excellent karma quotes that help us better understand the principle and how to apply it to our everyday lives. These karma quotes inspire us to think of others before ourselves and to always go into a situation with good intent for good outcomes. Now, read through these karma quotes and share them to pass along some goodwill.

Take a Look at The Thought-Provoking Karma Quotes Below:

“If you truly loved yourself, you could never hurt another.” —Buddha

This is an excellent reminder to show others the same love you should have for yourself. After all, hurting others only hurts our collective humanity. It’s one of the most straightforward karma quotes.

“Show a little faith in someone when they need it. It’s amazing how it comes back around to you.” ―Garon Whited

This is one of the karma quotes that’s just so true. We all must do our best to have faith in people, especially when they are in need of charity, help, or just need a person in their corner.

“You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

Here’s a great reminder from Emerson to not wait for a convenient time to be kind. Kindness means showing grace to those around you even when it’s hard to do. It’s one of the great karma quotes about not waiting until it’s easy to do the right thing.

“Violence does, in truth, recoil upon the violent, and the schemer falls into the pit which he digs for another.” ―Arthur Conan Doyle

In one of the karma quotes that talks about violence, we are meant to understand that the violence we put out into the world will actually end up ensnaring us. Do not “dig a pit” for someone as you will only end up trapped in it yourself.

“Often when someone hurts you, they aren’t hurting you because you are you. They are hurting you because they are them.” —Karen Salmansohn

Here is one of the best karma quotes about projection. You’re not a victim necessarily for any fault of your own, often you are a victim of someone who also hurts themselves. Ask yourself what actually is motivating their actions.

“You cannot do harm to someone because someone has done harm to you. You will pay just like they will.” —Ericka Williams

One of the karma quotes that urges us to do no harm comes from Ericka Williams. This is true even if you feel you’ve been wronged by another.

“Karma is justice. It does not reward or punish, because we have to earn all that we receive.” —Mary T. Brown

We are reminded that karma is justice. It’s one of the best karma quotes about earning justice through our deeds.

“Karma is extremely efficient, if one is extremely patient.” ―Efrat Cybulkiewicz

This is one of the karma quotes that reminds us of the importance of patience, especially when it comes to the principle of karma. After all, it is not immediate gratification. Instead, it may even take a rebirth before the balance is restored.

“Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely. —Buddha

If you are living your life by your own moral code that includes the principle of karma, you need not fear death, this quote reminds us.

“Men are not punished for their sins but by them.” —Kin Hubbard

This is one of our favorite karma quotes because it reminds us that our own bad deeds haunt us and eat away at us.

“When the karma of a relationship is done, only love remains. Let go. It’s safe.” —Elizabeth Gilbert

This is one of the important karma quotes about how karma works in a relationship. At some point, we must learn to trust others completely and let love guide us.

“When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms.” —Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

Here’s another one of the karma quotes about love. Be the first to perform an act of love or care for someone. When you do, you will be better for it.

“When someone has a strong intuitive connection, Buddhism suggests that it’s because of karma, some past connection.” —Richard Gere

The way we connect with people and form bonds might not immediately make sense to us at first. But, we should lean into the impulses that bring us closer by caring for each other. The bonds you foster today could be from a past connection.

“Most times, how you treat your children is how they grow up to treat you.” —Terry Mark

Here’s one of the most important karma quotes for parents. Remember that how you raise and nurture your children will likely return to you.

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“Before you act, you have freedom, but after you act, the effect of that action will follow you whether you want it to or not. That is the law of karma.” —Paramahansa Yogananda

Whether you like it or not, karma will come back to you. This is one of the karma quotes that reminds us that only we have the freedom to choose how it will return to us.

“Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.” —Edwin Hubbell Chapin

This is one of the karma quotes that reminds us that every action, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, can have a huge impact.

“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” —Wayne Dyer

If you’re after karma quotes that put things plainly, this one right here puts a fine point on it.

“People pay for what they do, and, still more, for what they have allowed themselves to become. And they pay for it simply: by the lives they lead.” —James Baldwin

A quote from the iconic James Baldwin explains how karmic just dues work. We all pay in our own ways but others pay very hard and that is reflected in the people they allow themselves to become. It’s one of our favorite karma quotes.

“It is impossible to build one’s own happiness on the unhappiness of others. This perspective is at the heart of Buddhist teachings.” —Daisaku Ikeda

This is one of the karma quotes that explains that the principle of karma is at the heart of Buddhist philosophy. It reminds us that happiness is best shared and not treated as something that can be withheld.

“Live a good and honorable life. Then, when you are older, you can look back and enjoy it a second time.” —Dalai Lama

Here is one of the most important karma quotes about how the principle works over time. It’s not just about doing the right thing in the moment. By living an honorable life, you will get to relive those joys in a multitude of ways.

“The meaning of karma is in the intention. The intention behind action is what matters.” —The Bhagavad Gita

Do everything with intention. It’s as simple as that.

“Remember to honor the hand which reached out for you when you needed it, by being that hand to someone else who is struggling.” ―Greg Dutilly

Most of us have gotten where we are today because someone took a chance on us at one time. This is one of the great karma quotes about paying it forward and doing the same for someone else who could be struggling.

“I want revenge, but I don’t want to screw up my karma.” —Susan Colasanti

This is one of the funnier karma quotes out there that likely rings true to you. No matter how bad we might want to hurt someone in return, it’s not the right answer.

“If you’re really a mean person, you’re going to come back as a fly and eat poop.” —Kurt Cobain

Here’s another one of the humorous karma quotes. This one is from Kurt Cobain and it pretty much speaks for itself.

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“The love you send into the world, you will find, is the love that returns to you.” ―Avina Celeste

Here is one of the karma quotes about the best way to get love is to give it. Love always returns, folks!

There you go! We hope you enjoyed these karma quotes that ask us to treat one another with respect and dignity. After all, we are only as good as the way we treat those around us, that includes the less fortunate and those in need of charity. Share these karma quotes and pass along the goodwill.

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