Mamas Uncut

Should You Dress Your Child as a Lobster and Pretend to Cook Him? Debate Rages On


The Today Show‘s Instagram account is prosaic on most days so it was shocking to find a great deal of controversy over one of the account’s shared images. A recent post celebrating Halloween features a child in a lobster costume which would be completely cute if that child were not also in a giant stockpot that’s sitting on a stove.

The question at hand is: is it okay to put a child on a stove? The comments on the picture ranged from aflutter to aghast.

A majority of responders had strong opinions about putting a toddler on a stove.

“This is seriously disturbing,” runninggirl4735 wrote followed by a facepalm emoji.

“Pls take this down. Before some kid puts a sibling in a pot,” catherine_loves_art commented.

Most people didn’t just take issue with a child in a pot. Instead, it was the placing of the pot on a stove that ignited the fury.

Should You Dress Your Child as a Lobster and Pretend to Cook Him? Debate Rages On

As you might have guessed, the concern was moreover injury to the child if a stove were to accidentally be turned on while the lobster-suited child is inside. Although, it is unclear from the comments if people were just more unsettled by the idea of a boiling child than an actual misfortune.

“Seriously…” one person wrote. “It’s Cute…BUT they should have put it on the floor and not the stove! What were you thinking.”

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Al Roker, a weatherman for Today even weighed in.

Al Rocker, a weatherman for the show, who once had dreams of becoming a chef. And, he had something to say about the photo.

“Ummmmmm,” he wrote.

We’re glad to know where the Roker stands on this controversy. Thanks?

People love putting kids in stewpots. It’s a whole thing!

We did a quick search of lobster costumes on Instagram and found that the child in a lobster costume, who’s placed in a pot, is not all that uncommon.

It seems perfectly reasonable that parents can place their children in cookware without injuring them, but for some, it’s a step too far.

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The likes on the post outnumber the negative comments which is a sign that people didn’t take too much offense by it. Nearly 16,000 people have liked the post since it landed on Friday. If you wanted to be 100% safe, you should most definitely avoid putting your child on a heating apparatus.

In reality, the chance of that cute little kid in the photo being prepared like a marine crustacean are very low. Perhaps the internet should save its outrage for some truly offensive costumes! Hold your fire folks, the time for real backlash will soon be upon us.

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