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Meet Shan Cooper, the Mom Who Will Help You Find Healthy Alternatives for Your Kiddos

shan cooper


Shan Cooper, the owner of My Food Religion, is a name you may have already heard. Cooper, in the past, has gone viral for claims that her daughter has never had a drop of processed sugar before.

Reports claimed Shan Cooper kept her daughter, who is now 8, on a strict paleo diet. But if you stop to take a look at some of Cooper’s lifestyle tricks and tips, you will soon realize that couldn’t be further from the truth.

In the past, Cooper has said this about the food she gives her daughter. “(What she eats now) is not weird, not anything strange, that normal people wouldn’t eat. She loves it. I don’t feed her toast or cereal or anything like that. Again I think, ‘sure that stuff is not going to kill her.’ If she eats a piece of bread I’m not going to have a conniption.”

But if she can start steering her in the right direction early in her life, why not?

Meet Shan Cooper, the Mom Who Will Help You Find Healthy Alternatives for Your Kiddos

Instead, Cooper just works a little harder and a little smarter to find healthier alternatives for her little girl. Take this Instagram post, for instance:

As Cooper reveals some of our favorite childhood treats are so jam-packed with artificial ingredients that we may not even realize it. So Cooper helps others find healthier, albeit still delicious, alternatives so that you don’t have to do all the heavy lifting and research. 

ALSO ON MAMAS UNCUT: 75 Fun School Jokes for Kids

“I have gotta say, there’s some real unnecessary crap in ice blocks,” Cooper explained, in part. 

“Did you know Zooper Doopers are packed with artificial colours, flavours and preservatives many of which have already been banned in Europe because of the adverse effects they have on kids health? It blows my mind that school tuckshops give kids a chemical $hitstorm like this then their teachers wonder why they are off their face, can’t concentrate and are disruptive in class afterwards. About a year ago I discovered @healthyelectropops a local Sunshine Coast business making ice blocks without the artificial crap that taste GREAT. Real fruit, coconut water and none of the $hit that’s going to send your kid mental.”

But perhaps her most famous recipe is her “collagen gummies” that she packs in her daughter’s school lunches for a delicious dessert that still benefits her little one. 

As Cooper explains, “these freeze really well and are packed with some good quality carbohydrates from the blueberries, protein from the collagen, and healthy fats from the coconut cream. A perfect treat that won’t send the bloody sugar skyrocketing and supports cognitive function.”

And if you’re curious, I’ve even made these for myself, and I have to say, they were easy enough to make and I kept going back for more! And Cooper doesn’t stop there.

From even more healthy sweet treats to what her daughter’s school bento boxes look like, Shan Cooper’s lifestyle brand is one that parents can turn to for advice. As she writes in her bio, “I prefer to use ingredients that are as close to their natural state as possible and have been through minimal processing. I am not vegan, vegetarian, paleo, gluten-free, dairy-free, fat-free, carb-free or any other food “denomination” in its entirety. I take what I like from different food approaches and recipes and adapt it to suit what make me feel good.”

How cool is that?

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