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One Daughter-In-Law Says Her Mother-In-Law Is Blaming Her Husband’s Death on Her Because of a Video He Posted on Her Facebook Wall Making Fun of Scared of COVID-19

According to one Reddit user, after her father-in-law made fun of the people who took COVID-19 seriously, he contracted it and ultimately died from the virus. Now, the Reddit user is claiming that her mother-in-law is blaming her for “being mean” and “infringing his privacy.”

The mother-in-law is also blaming her daughter-in-law for “turning his family against him.”

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“My husband’s father was one of the big COVID naysayers,” the Reddit user began. “He told everyone who would listen that it was bull, nothing to worry about, etc. Then he started making fun of people taking it seriously.”

According to the daughter-in-law, her father-in-law would comment on photos of people wearing masks and reportedly even went as far as to “insult” people who wore them in public. As the Reddit user shared, her father-in-law once “took a selfie video inside a Subway restaurant saying, ‘Watch me make the snowflake sandwich slave panic,’ and then went up to the counter and stood on his tiptoes to purposefully cough a bunch over the glass at the employee and texted the video to myself and others.”


“Stupid, ridiculous, irresponsible, rude BS,” the daughter-in-law said to describe her father-in-law’s behavior.

“I work in the medical field and have witnessed COVID deaths and nothing he was doing was funny. He still didn’t take me seriously, laughed a bunch, and he posted it on my Facebook wall saying, “Here it is again in case you change your mind.’ I stopped using Facebook for a while for my mental health so I didn’t see it until I started getting calls and texts about what a lunatic he is from my sisters.”

And that’s how other family members saw the video as well, the Reddit user admitted because she is Facebook friends with many of her husband’s family members. “This set off a bit of a family firestorm” among those who disagreed with the father-in-law’s antics.


“What goes around, came around. He got COVID-19 and he died.”

“I am sorry that his family has lost a member and I am sorry for my husband, but I’ve gotta be honest, I’m not that heartbroken myself,” the daughter-in-law bluntly admitted in her Reddit post. However, her mother-in-law is now blaming her for the “family firestorm.”

According to the Reddit user, her mother-in-law doesn’t understand how Facebook works and believes that it was she who took the video the father-in-law sent her and posted it on her wall herself. “I have explained it to her, my husband has explained it to her, we have all explained it to her. She refuses to believe it.”


In fact, the mother-in-law now blames her daughter-in-law for her husband’s death. Reportedly, the mother-in-law said it was because she “turned his family against him and left him nothing to live for.”

“[My mother-in-law] says his whole family turned on him because of me, and them being so mean to him destroyed his mental state to the degree that he couldn’t recover. She says if it weren’t for me he would have had the strength to recover because COVID is not that bad and he really died from a broken heart more than he did of COVID.”

According to the Reddit user, she even made statements on Facebook calling the daughter-in-law a traitor, claiming that the video was meant to be a joke and that it was never intended to be seen on the internet. “Many of her other family members commented telling her that HE posted the video on my wall. She doesn’t believe it. She is 100% convinced that I am the bad guy here.”

The daughter-in-law says she understands her mother-in-law is grieving but believes she is also acting like a “lunatic” and doesn’t think their relationship will ever recover. And many commenters believe that there is not much she can do at this point.

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“There’s really nothing you can do at this point. This is a thing that happens sometimes in death,” one commenter said. “Your MIL cannot live with the fact that her husband is dead and that COVID killed him. She wants to blame anyone but him for his death. You are just an easy and nearby target to direct her grief and anger on to. She’s in denial and cannot be reasoned with, because to accept what everyone is saying is to accept that it was his fault, and she can’t do that. It’s easier to live with her delusions than accept that. All you can do at this point is walk away.”

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