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Introducing Modern Christian Names with Plenty of Spirit

Modern Christian names marry style and spirit together with appellations that offer modern sensibilities while still relaying a message of faith. When you hear the term “Christian name” you might be thinking of given names, which is true to a degree, but what we’re referring to are modern names that celebrate the Christian faith that parents have begun to turn to today. While Biblical baby names and the names of saints and prophets are excellent, what we’re after are appellations with a hip vibe that really express a concept, feeling, or unique idea.

The modern Christian names that parents are using today are overtly about their faith often feeling grandiose, think Messiah or Saint or Psalm (thanks, in part, to Kim Kardashian) or they can be fresh-sounding Biblical place names like Jericho. Others skew conceptual in their approach like the name River which is rich in Christian symbolism. Let’s take a look at some exciting, modern Christian names, we hope, are worthy of your consideration!

Modern Christian Names for Baby Girls


Modern Christian Names

A fresh word name for a baby girl today, Believe is such a special choice with a clear meaning. Parents began using this Christian name in the 2010s and it could become trendy in the coming years.


Bethlehem is a Biblical place name originating in Hebrew, meaning “house of bread.” The Spanish name Belén has long been popular but its English counterpart has been slower to take hold. New parents are just starting to take notice of this possibility and we expect it to grow in popularity in the coming years.


A name that sings pure joy, Hallelujah is a new possibility among these Christian names. The word originated in Hebrew and means “God be praised.” We love this one ane the nickname potential of Lu.


Halo is a word that describes a holy light. It’s one of the modern Christian names that has really begun to take off over the last couple of years. It entered the US top 1000 most popular names for girls in 2019 and it has been climbing ever since!


Psalm became a name by the star power of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, who chose it for their younger son. But Psalm is a gender neutral name that works just as well for girls. We actually prefer this one for girls. As with any celebrity baby name, expect this one to become trendy in the coming years.


Rejoice is a modern Christian name with a positive meaning that really works thanks to the established name Joyce which seems like its sat inside of Rejoice. This one is just beginning to heat up and we hope to hear much more of it soon.


Spirit is a name given to about a dozen baby girls a year. We think it’s absolutely amazing and has a sweet, whimsical feel to it. This one also makes an exceptional middle name option if you are fond of it but aren’t sure it’s established enough.


If Bethlehem was too much of a mouthful for you, consider another Biblical place name, Bethel, instead. Bethel originated in Hebrew and means “house of the Lord.” Thanks to the established name Beth, we think Bethel could really work.


Epiphany is a word name of Greek origin that means “manifestation.” The concept refers to the realization that Christ is the son of God. The Feast of the Epiphany, which commemorates the visit of the Magi to the baby Jesus, takes place on January 6, making this name really appropriate for girls born in the month. Expect this one to land on lots more baby certificates in the next year or two!


One of the most popular modern Christian names on this list, Genesis entered the top 1000 girl names in 1988 and the top 100 names for girls in 2008. It’s going very strong! Of course, it is a reference to the first book of the Bible which feels appropriate for a newborn just beginning their journey.


What’s not to love about the name Heaven? We’re not alone in thinking it’s a real winner. Heaven has been a popular choice for girls, one of the most popular modern Christian names on this list, since 1990. It’s a top 500 choice today. It truly is heavenly.


Jubilee is a most festive Christian name that sounds modern but actually is very much Biblical. The name originated in Hebrew and means “ram’s horn.” Despite being completely accessible this appellation has not gone mainstream yet. Get ahead of the trend and choose it for your baby girl!


Our very favorite modern Christian name for girls, Promise feels as rock-solid as it does sweet. It celebrates a commitment to the Lord. Promise is a popular choice today! It entered the US top 1000 in 2018 and has been trending up ever since.

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Modern Christian Names for Baby Boys


Baptiste is a popular option in France and Belgium today. However, the name has never been a popular option in the US. We feel this should change! The Christian name is of French origin and means, you guessed it, “baptist.”


The cross is Christianity’s most potent and powerful symbol. Cross has a casual yet stylish sound to it and it has yet to really take off which means it would be one of the more unique Christian names for boys on the list.


If Cross is not right, consider the Spanish form of the name, Cruz. Cruz has seen much more favor from parents over the last several decades. The Z-ending and Spanish origin give it a fresh feel despite the name being a favorite for a while now. However, it is more popular today than ever before so expect your son to be in good company with this one.


Jerusalem is a sacred place in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. The name is derived from Semitic languages and means “city of the ancient god Shalem.” Jerusalem can be a unisex name and it is actually given to about a dozen boys and girls each year. This would be a really unique option.


Sure, you could go with the name Salvador, but we think Savior (which shares the same meaning) has a more modern feel. This Christian name is still rare and that makes it ripe for parents looking for a truly singular appellation.


A symbol of Christianity can be found in this English occupational name for a “fisherman.” Fisher has been mildly popular as a given name over the past several years and it is trending up today. We think it’s a real winner!


Jericho is a resounding Biblical place name that entered the US top 1000 for boys in 2013. It is also used for girls (though less frequently), making it a unisex option. Jericho is attracting the attention of new parents and we expect it to only become more popular, one of the Christian names to look out for in the next five years or so!


Messiah is an ancient name that predates the Semitic languages. It is of Aramaic origin and means “deliverer” or “the expected savior.” Messiah is such a popular name now that it was given to over 2000 baby boys in the US in the last year counted, along with a handful of baby girls. Expect this one to only continue to gain steam. It will likely be in the top 10 Christian names in the next year or two.


Nazareth is a Biblical place name that originated in Hebrew. We love the idea of it as a name for boys and it offers you a great nickname in Naz. This is one of the Christian names that is just now heating up so it would be a very unique choice for your son.


A Christian name with a lot to live up to, Prophet is a very special option that new parents have only just now seen potential in as a given name. We would love to hear more from this delightful name so, go for it!


Kyrie is a unisex option that we prefer for boys. It originated in Greek as a word that means “Lord.” It’s got a great sound and we’re not alone in that opinion. Kyrie entered the US top 1000 in 2012 and in a short period of time, entered the US top 500. It is one of the most popular and fastest-rising modern Christian names for boys today!


Omega is a name that originated in Greek and means “last.” It is a reference to The Alpha and Omega. Omega has an energetic sound as a name and we hope that parents will begin to use it more freely. It really is sensational!

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There you have them! What did you think of these modern Christian names? We hope you found some worth considering! If you enjoyed these Christian names, take a look out our favorite Biblical baby names that are unique and not as popular as they should be!

25. Bartholomew

Bartholomew was one of the 12 apostles of the New Testament. He evangelized in India and Armenia before being martyred. Bartholomew is a mouthful, but it does have a certain charm to it. Bart is a fun nickname you can use with this boy’s name. Bartholomew means “peaceful.”

24. Selah

Selah was not used as a name in the Bible, but it appears dozens of times at the end of verses in Psalms. The name means “to pause” or “to praise.” Singer Lauren Hill gave her daughter the unique name.

23. Micah

From the Hebrew Mika’el, Micah means “who is like God?” The name is frequently mentioned in the Old Testament. We love this name and think it would be an excellent alternative to the ubiquitous Michael.

22. Salome

There are two Salomes in the New Testament. One is the mother of apostles James and John, who also discovered that Jesus had risen from the dead. The other was the step-daughter of King Herod who requested that John the Baptist be beheaded. The name is Aramaic and means “peace.”

21. Thaddeus

Thaddeus has roots in Greek and means “courageous” or “God’s gift.” Judas Thaddeus or Jude was one of the 12 apostles of Jesus according to the New Testament.

20. Noa

In the Old Testament, Noa was one of the five daughters of Zelophehad who successfully argued that they should be able to inherit their father’s holdings, even though that was against tradition. Noa is a beautiful Hebrew name that means “movement.”

19. Barnabas

St. Barnabus was an early Christian, mentioned in the New Testament. His feast day falls on July 11. He accompanied St. Paul on many missions. Barnabas means “son of comfort.”

18. Lois

Lois is a Greek name that means “superior.” In the New Testament, Lois was the grandmother of Timothy, who evangelized with Paul. Lois was an extremely popular name for girls in the US until the 1950s.

17. Abel

In the Old Testament of the Bible, Abel was the youngest son of Adam and Eve. He was murdered by his jealous brother Cain. Eeek! The Hebrew name means “breath.”

16. Kezia

In the Old Testament, Kezia was the second of the three daughters of Job born after the end of his suffering. The unique, Hebrew name means “cinnamon.”

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15. Jokim

Jokim was a descendant of Shelah of the tribe of Judah. This unusual name for boys means “Jehovah raises up” or “that makes the sun stand still.”

14. Jael

In the Old Testament, after Deborah defeats the Canaanite army, its captain takes refuge in the tent of Heber the Kenite, whose wife Jael kills the captain with a tent peg. SO, yeah. The beautiful name means “mountain goat.”

13. Zechariah

Zechariah is a prophet and a whole book of the Old Testament. The name appears as that of the father of John the Baptist in the New Testament. Zachary is the English form. The name means “God remembers.”

12. Talitha

Talitha is an Aramaic name that means “little girl.” In the New Testament, Jesus raises a child from the dead, who he calls Talitha. Should we update the name meaning to “little zombie girl”?

11. Hiram

Hiram was the Phoenician king of Tyre. The name means “exalted brother.”

10. Vashti

Vashti was the queen of Persia. Esther replaced her as the wife of King Ahasuerus in the Book of Esther. She is a figure in the Purim story. Astin is the Greek version of her name. The name Vashti was popular in only one decade in the US between 1900 and 1910. The name meaning is unclear but some scholars suggest it means “beautiful.”

9. Jethro

Jethro was the father-in-law of Moses. The name comes from the Hebrew Ithra meaning “excellence.”

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8. Shiloh

Shiloh is mentioned in Genesis as part of the benediction given by Jacob to his son Judah. It refers to a place. The Hebrew name means “peaceful.”

7. Ishmael

Ishmael, a figure in the Tanakh and the Quran, was Abraham’s first son according to Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The name means “God will hear.”

6. Eunice

In the New Testament, Eunice was the mother of Timothy, who evangelized with Paul. This cute name is ready to make a comeback after falling from fashion in the 1950s. The Greek name means “good victory.”

5. Abram

God changed Abram’s name to Abraham in Genesis. He is regarded as the founder of both the Hebrews through his son Isaac and the Muslims through his son Ishmael. The name means “high father.” Abram reached 376 in 2013, the most popular it’s been in the US in recent decades.

4. Zillah

In Genesis, Zillah was one of the two wives in the first listed polygamist relationship. The Hebrew name means “shade” or “shadow.” Model, Nia Amey named her daughter Zillah.

3. Abner

Abner was the name of the commander of Saul’s army and appears twice in the New Testament. The name was traditionally popular among Puritans who brought the name to the US. This Hebrew name means “my father is light.”

2. Damaris

Damaris is mentioned in Acts of the Apostles as being a Christian convert in Athens. This Greek name means “calf” or “gentle.” The name enjoyed its most popular year in the US in 2003.

1. Zipporah

Zipporah was the wife of Moses and the daughter of Jethro. This highly unusual Hebrew name means “bird.” This beautiful name would be perfect for a strong-willed girl.

Biblical names can be very exciting and we think these 25 are great examples. It’s so important to many parents that their child has a unique and meaningful name and these all are excellent candidates that do just that.

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