Mamas Uncut

Moms, How Do You Make Space for ‘Alone Time’ During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

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QUESTION: Anyone Else Feeling the Strain of Not Having Alone Time During COVID?

“I’m going crazy here! I haven’t had alone time since this pandemic started. I’m at work or with my family 24/7.

I need ‘ME’ time for like 2-3 days. I need to go away somewhere by myself! I want a day of shopping by myself, I want to be pampered, I want to get my nails done, I want to go to a SPA. I just want silence and peace for 2-3 days.”

RELATED: 10 Hilarious Parenting Memes for When You’re Desperately Craving Alone Time

Moms, How Do You Make Space for 'Alone Time' During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“Those that say ‘too bad, you’re a mom’ don’t get it. Just because you’re a mom, it doesn’t mean that you have to give up everything – I love being a mom, but I also love having a ‘me’ day to go shopping or just have a quiet day alone. You can be a FABULOUS mom and still have a getaway weekend or a day to yourself. Have kids but still remember who you are as a person.”

“I just want to say you can ignore the toxic comments. Being a mom is not your identity and it won’t keep you mentally stable. You still have needs as a human being. Many spas are open again now if that’s how you decompress. Reach out to someone you trust and tell them what you need. Wanting alone time doesn’t make you less grateful. Needing a reset doesn’t make you less of a mom. Being assertive about your needs is scary and can feel selfish, but that’s just because that’s what we’re taught to believe is true. At the end of the day, your inner peace will thank you.”

“How would you like to be 80 yrs old, live alone, communicate with children by zoom, and have your big adventure going to the occasional medical appt. and to grocery store? Trust me peace and silence aren’t all that great. Guess we all would like at least a little of what someone else is complaining about. Hugs are high on my list!”

“Same. I have 4 and a bonus son that is here on the weekends. I envy my hubby that works some days. Just want to have an adult conversation that doesn’t revolve around the kids, or what the plan is, or how his work day went. Sigh. One day maybe I’ll have that again.”

“COVID doesn’t prevent you from doing those things. At least not where I am. It’s mostly just part of being a parent.”

“I just want to take a bath without my kids screaming because for some reason THEY NO LONGER LIKE MY HUSBAND. To be fair, i no longer like him either so can’t say i blame them!”

“Alone time is much needed at least once a month (or once a week) I do “ME” time at least twice a month I go get my nails done and just relax. That’s the one thing I do for myself does NOT make me any less of a mother for wanting a break from being MOM mentally it’s needed. I haven’t had me time since OCTOBER and it’s driving me insane lol but I also had Christmas and a birthday to plan for so I put a pause in pampering myself to save for Christmas/birthday for my daughter.”

“I felt this way when covid first started with online school with my son and then my daughter running around in the background crying for snacks. Then on top of that working from home too! So I decided to get a massage or facial every month or so to pamper myself. You have to take time for yourself.”

“It doesn’t matter if she’s a single mom or married every mother deserves me time. For the people shaming her for saying so y’all need to get over yourself and stop mom shaming. Women and mothers in general should lift each other up . Grow up geez. To the original poster I hope you get your alone time soon.”

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