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It’s My Husband’s Turn to Choose a Baby Name, But I Hate the Name He Chose

I Let My Husband Choose a Baby Name, But I Hate His Choice

Young unhappy married couple having serious quarrel at cafe.

A mom writes in asking for advice. She and her husband take turns choosing names for their babies, and it just so happens to be the husband’s turn to pick the first name for the couple’s third child. The only problem? This mom hates his baby name choice and refuses to use it. What should she do?

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A member of the community asks:

“Sooooo here’s the deal guys. My husband and I have this thing where, when it comes to naming our babies, we take turns. For our first, he picked the first name I picked the middle. For our second, I picked the first and he picked the middle.

We’re expecting baby #3 soon, and it’s his turn to pick the first name… Let’s just say when he mentioned the name, my first reaction was “hahaha there’s no way that’s gonna he his name.” But he was being serious. So now he has it in his head that we’re naming our baby that name.

I feel bad for mentioning other names because it is his turn to name the baby, but at the same time, I’m like no way, I’m not giving in and allowing him to name our baby that. What should I do? I want to avoid all conflict!

(Let’s just say the meaning of this name symbolizes a large sea creature or monster.”)

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Hates Her Husband’s Baby Name Choice

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary


Most commenters recommend having a mature conversation with your husband about the name. Yes, you have a deal, and yes, it’s “his turn.” But at the end of the day, this child belongs to both of you. Ultimately, you should both be on the same page about something important like a name. After all, he can still choose the name; maybe just not that name in particular.

A few commenters also bring up a good point: You traded off naming duties for your first two babies, and it makes sense to choose a name together for your third. That way, everything remains super-fair.

We wish you luck with Baby No. 3!

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