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I Want Another Baby, But My First Is Only 1 Month Old. Is it Too Soon?

Is it too soon to have another baby?

Happy young family, mother with two cute children

A mom writes in asking for advice. She recently had a baby — congrats, mama! — who just turned one month old. She’s wondering if it’s too soon to begin thinking about having a second baby and wants to know how many people immediately chose to have another versus those that waited to get pregnant until after baby’s first birthday. Any advice?

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: I Have a 6-Month-Old And I’m Thinking About Having Baby #2. Is It Too Soon?

A member of the community asks:

How many moms got pregnant immediately after having a baby and how many decided to wait 1+ years? Opinions on what’s better and why? I want another baby but mine is only a month old.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Wants Another Baby But Wonders If It’s Too Soon

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary


Most commenters said this decision is really one for the OP and her partner to make together. Most people ended up recommending whatever spacing they have with their kids — we tend to like what we know!

Some suggested waiting — both for health reasons, because many doctors suggest giving your body more time to recover between pregnancies; and for practical reasons, like not having kids in diapers at the same time.

“Don’t willingly subject yourself to changing two in diapers. At least twins are the same size. I would always think I had plenty of diapers when we went somewhere but #MomBrain, ” says one commenter. “My little baby wore her older sister’s size 6 diapers more than I care to admit and a size 3 diaper definitely doesn’t fit a two year old who just pooped.”

Others liked having them close in age because it meant they were tackling the same milestones right after one another. “I ended up having another right after my first. Was not planned at all. But I loved having them close in age when they were younger, ” says one commenter. “As soon as you potty trained one the other one followed, as soon as one learned something the other one learned it. It was great.”

In the end OP, only you can decide what’s right for your family. We wish you the best of luck as you make this decision!

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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