25 of the Most Heavenly, Sacred, & Biblical Boy Names in the World Today

If you’re looking for Biblical boy names to consider for your little one, then you’ve come to the right place!

The Bible is one of the most important books of literature in the western world today – and it has been for more than 3,000 years, with most scholars dating the earliest writings as far back as 1450 to 1400 BC. 

During that time, the Bible has played an enormous role in how most of us live, act, think, and behave. 

If you don’t believe me, just look at the role the Old Testament and New Testament have played in shaping family life and family values, particularly in societies with strong Judeo-Christian influences. 

RELATED: 25 Underrated Baby Names from the Bible That Deserve Praise

For example, the Bible stresses the importance of teaching children about faith, ethics, and the principles of right and wrong from a young age through Bible study, prayer, and participation in religious services. 

This is evident in Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (NIV), which states: 

“These commands that I give today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”

It also teaches children about morals, discipline, respect, obedience, love, wisdom, and community. 

In particular, Ephesians 6:1 says, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right,” and Proverbs 1:8 reads, “Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.”

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Biblical Boy Names & Their Holy Meanings

Are you about to welcome a baby boy? If so – congratulations! You’re about to embark on one of the most incredible journeys a parent could ask for, and we couldn’t be any more excited for you and your family.

With that said, we understand how difficult the baby-naming process can be – so we want to help. 

Whether you live in a religious household or not, Biblical boy names are some of the most popular boy names in existence today. From Aaron to Zechariah, these names do much more than honor the past. 

In fact, they imbue your child with a sense of purpose and identity rooted in spiritual heritage.

The only problem with Biblical boy names is that there are several hundred to choose from. While you can’t go wrong with any of them, settling on one isn’t easy – so let’s try and narrow down that list for you.

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25. Elijah

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘My God is Yahwah’ or ‘Yahweh is my God’

Relation to the Bible: Elijah was a prophet during the reign of King Ahab in the northern kingdom of Israel. He’s best known for his confrontation with King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, and played a large role in proving God’s supremacy over Baal.

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24. Josiah

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘God supports’ or ‘God heals’

Relation to the Bible: Josiah was a king of Judah who reigned from approximately 640 to 609 BCE. He helped reinstate the observance of Passover and discovered the Book of the Law. He died in battle at Megiddo, fighting against Pharaoh Necho II of Egypt.

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23. Samuel

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘Name of God’ or ‘God has heard’

Relation to the Bible: Samuel served as a prophet, judge, and leader of Israel, but many consider his birth a miracle. His mother, Hannah, was initially barren and prayed fervently for a child. Her prayers were answered, so she named him Samuel to acknowledge that God had heard her. 

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22. Isaiah

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘Yahweh is salvation’ or ‘God is salvation’

Relation to the Bible: Isaiah was a major prophet who ministered in the southern kingdom of Judah during the 8th century BCE. The Book of Isaiah is one of the longest books in the Bible (66 chapters), and he was known for urging the people of Judah to care for the poor, the oppressed, and the marginalized.

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21. Noah

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘rest’ or ‘comfort’ or ‘to settle’ 

Relation to the Bible: Noah is a patriarchal figure mentioned in the Book of Genesis. God commanded him to build an ark to save himself, his family, and pairs of every kind of animal during the Great Flood – which lasted 40 days and 40 nights. He’s considered a symbol of faith and obedience

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20. Jethro

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘abundance’ or ‘excellence’

Relation to the Bible: Jethro was a priest of Midian, a region located in the northwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula. He is best known as the father-in-law of Moses, who he welcomed to Midian after killing an Egyptian. Jethro is renowned for his wisdom, leadership, and support for Moses. 

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19. Judah

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘to praise’ or ‘to give thanks’

Relation to the Bible: Judah was the fourth son of Jacob and Leah. He is one of the twelve patriarchs of the tribes of Israel – his Tribe of Judah settled in the southern part of the land of Israel, and their territory included the city of Jerusalem. His name and legacy symbolize strength, leadership, and divine favor. 

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18. Samson

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘sun’ or ‘sun child’

Relation to the Bible: Samson was one of the judges of Israel, and his story is recounted in the Book of Judges (chapters 13-16). He’s best known for his incredible physical strength, which he used to fight the Philistines. Despite his flaws, Samson is remembered as a hero who fought against the enemies of Israel.

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17. Matthew

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘gift of Yahwah’ or ‘gift of God’ 

Relation to the Bible: Matthew was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. He was a tax collector before he was called to follow Jesus, and is credited with writing the first book of the New Testament. His calling by Jesus demonstrated Jesus’ willingness to reach out to those considered sinners. 

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16. Jeremiah

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘Yahweh will exalt’ or ‘Yahweh will raise’ 

Relation to the Bible: Jeremiah was a major prophet who ministered in the southern kingdom of Judah during the late 7th and early 6th centuries BCE. His prophecies and messages of warning and hope are present in the Book of Jeremiah. He is sometimes referred to as the ‘weeping prophet.’ 

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15. Abraham

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘father of many’ 

Relation to the Bible: Abraham’s original name was Abram, meaning ‘exalted father.’ God changed his name to Abraham as part of the covenant to signify that he would be the ‘father of many nations.’ He and his wife, Sarah, welcomed a baby boy named Isaac, who he attempted to sacrifice at God’s request.

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14. Isaac

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘he will laugh’ or ‘he will rejoice’ 

Relation to the Bible: Isaac was the long-awaited son of Abraham and Sarah. His birth was promised by God when Sarah was past childbearing age, which caused them to laugh in disbelief and joy. He is one of the three patriarchs of the Israelites and he had twin sons, Esau and Jacob, with his wife, Rebekah. 

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13. Moses

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘drawn out’ or ‘drawn from the water’

Relation to the Bible: Moses was born to Hebrew parents during a time when Pharaoh had ordered all Hebrew male infants to be killed. His mother placed him in a basket in the Nile River to save him. He was found and adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter and raised in the Egyptian royal household.

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12. Amos

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘burden-bearer’ or ‘to bear a load’

Relation to the Bible: Amos was one of the twelve minor prophets who condemned the moral and social decay of Israel, particularly the oppression of the poor, corruption, and complacency among the wealthy. He emphasized that true worship of God was inseparable from justice and righteousness. 

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11. Ezekiel

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘God strengthens’ or ‘God will strengthen’

Relation to the Bible: Ezekiel was both a prophet and a priest whose prophecies and visions were written in the Book of Ezekiel. God appointed Ezekiel as a watchman for the house of Israel, responsible for warning the people of impending judgment and calling them to repentance. 

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10. Hosea

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘salvation’ or ‘he saves’ 

Relation to the Bible: Hosea was a prophet who ministered in the northern kingdom of Israel during the 8th century BCE, around the same time as prophets Amos, Isaiah, and Micah. He and his wife, Gomer, had three childre – Jezreel, Lo-Ruhamah, and Lo-Ammi. He’s a symbol of unconditional love. 

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9. Malachi

Origin: Hebrew 

Meaning: ‘my messenger’ or ‘my angel’

Relation to the Bible: The Book of Malachi is the last book in the Old Testament, which contains the prophecies of Malachi – one of the twelve minor prophets. He was known for criticizing the corruption of priesthood, condemning divorce and unfaithfulness, and admonishing those who withheld tithes. 

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8. Abel

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘breath,’ ‘vapor,’ or ‘vanity’

Relation to the Bible: Abel was the second son of Adam and Eve, born after his older brother Cain. They both brought offerings to God, but only Abel’s offering (the best portions of the firstborn of his flock) was favored by God. As a result of jealousy and anger, Cain lured Abel into a field and killed him.

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7. Zechariah

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘Yahweh remembers’ or ‘God remembers’

Relation to the Bible: Zechariah was a prophet who was active during the period after the Babylonian exile (around the 6th century BCE). The Book of Zechariah contains a series of visions and messages aimed at encouraging the returned exiles to rebuild the Temple and renew their covenant with God. 

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6. Zion

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘highest point’ or ‘citadel’

Relation to the Bible: In the Bible, Zion initially referred to a specific hill in Jerusalem, the site of the ancient Jebusite fortress that David captured and established as his royal capital. It is seen as a place where God dwells and where His people can find refuge and salvation.

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5. Levi

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘joined’ or ‘attached’ 

Relation to the Bible: Levi was the third son of Jacob and Leah. His birth is mentioned in Genesis 29:34, where Leah expresses her hope that Jacob will become more attached to her because of their three sons. Members of the Tribe of Levi were chosen to serve as priests and caretakers of the Tabernacle.

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4. Nehemiah

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘Yahweh comforts’ or ‘comforted by God’

Relation to the Bible: Nehemiah was the cupbearer to King Artaxerxes I of Persia. This position was one of significant trust and responsibility, as the cupbearer was in close contact with the king and ensured the safety of his beverages. He’s perhaps best known for his role in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. 

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3. Obadiah

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘servant of Yahweh’ or ‘worshipper or Yahweh’

Relation to the Bible: Obadiah was a prophet who wrote the Book of Obadiah – which consists of just one chapter with 21 verses. The primary theme of Obadiah’s prophecy is the impending judgment against Edom for their arrogance, violence, and betrayal of their kin, the Israelites.

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2. Asaph

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘gatherer’ and ‘collector’ 

Relation to the Bible: Asaph was a Levite musician during the time of King David. In fact, he was one of the leaders of the Levitical choirs and played a significant role in the musical worship in the Tabernacle and later the Temple in Jerusalem. He composed several psalms, including Psalms 50 and 73-83. 

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1. Micah

Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: ‘who is like Yahweh?’ or ‘who is like God?’

Relation to the Bible: Micah was a prophet from Moresheth, a town in the southern kingdom of Judah. Despite his messages of impending judgment, Micah also conveyed hope for the future. He prophesied about the coming of a ruler from Bethlehem who would shepherd God’s people and bring peace.  

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Which Biblical Boy Names Are On Your Shortlist? 

With hundreds of Biblical boy names to choose from, finding the one that fits your soon-to-be son can be a decision no parent is ready for – especially if you’re trying to name him before getting to meet him.

It’s an extremely personal and meaningful process, and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. 

With that said, it’s important to take your time, consider all the factors, and perhaps most importantly – don’t stress over it. Even if you can’t come to a decision by the time they’re born, you can wait it out. 

If you like the idea of using Biblical boy names, make yourself a list of your favorites and practice saying them out loud – and don’t just say them, but use them in ways you might use them when the child is born. 

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Practice calling them for dinner, think of different nicknames you might call them, and see how natural the name sounds with your last name. Eventually, the right name will stick out like a sore thumb – hooray!

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