Mamas Uncut

Denver Mother Gives Birth to Twin Daughters Before Unknowingly Naming Them After Her Nurses

via CBS Colorado

People often say coincidences don’t exist, but that’s not the case for one newly-minted mother in Denver, Colorado. Lauren Meehan gave birth to beautiful twin daughters earlier this month and is now a mother of three, but what happened during labor was nothing short of spectacular.

Meehan arrived at the hospital earlier than expected and, given the fact she had twins on the way, was going through a lot of emotions as they rushed her to the operating room. Amid the chaos, nurses and other team members were taking turns comforting the soon-to-be mother. 

That’s when one of the nurses asked her if she had names picked out for the little ones – to which Meehan replied ‘Julia’ and ‘Emma.’ Her answer made the entire burst out laughing because the two nurses taking care of Meehan’s twins were – you guessed it – Emma and Julia.

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After the delivery, Meehan expressed her gratitude to the team at Rose Medical Center for making this moment special for her and her family. It’s the same hospital she had her first child at two years ago – “I don’t think I would deliver anywhere other than Rose,” said Meehan. 

“At that moment, in all the chaos, we were able to stop for a second and enjoy that moment knowing that those names were meant to be. Those two nurses will always be special to us and the entire team that took care of us that day with hold a special place in our hearts,” she added.

One of the nurses who shared her daughter’s name, Julia Vanmarter, called it one of the ‘most special days of our careers,’ while Meehan added that it’ll be a ‘funny story to tell our girls!” See, coincidences do exist – though Meehan believes it’s just a sign that everything was meant to be. 

Giving Birth to a Baby Girl? Emma and Julia Are Popular Names Today!

Denver Mother Gives Birth to Twin Daughters Before Unknowingly Naming Them After Her Nurses
via CBS Colorado

Did you know there were nearly 1.8 million baby girls born in the United States last year? That’s a lot of baby girls – in fact, it’s nearly 20,000 more than in 2020 and we can expect yet another increase this year. Still, baby boys took the cake in 2021 with more than 1.86 million births. 

When the Social Security Administration released those numbers, they also released a list of the most popular names for both boys and girls, based on babies that were born that year. After browsing the list, I wasn’t too surprised to see two names, in particular – Julia and Emma. 

In fact, Emma was ranked as the second-most female name for a baby in 2021 – behind Olivia (1), but ahead of Charlotte (3). Julia was ranked a respectable 114th – behind Melody (113), but ahead of Parker (115) – which is quite impressive considering they released the top 1,000

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Apparently, Lauren Meehan wasn’t the only mother to give birth to an Emma and Julia – Juliana, Julianna, and Emmalyn were also on the list, as was As for those expecting a boy, the top-3 most popular male names for a baby in 2021 were Liam (1), Noah (2), and Oliver (3).

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