A Mother’s Day in Quarantine: How One Group of Moms Want to Spend Their Special Day

This Mother’s Day will look very different for moms all across America. Gone are the opportunities to get a mimosa at your favorite restaurant or that relaxing manicure and pedicure you always look forward to, for now.

So in order to see how moms are feeling about celebrating their big day while social distancing, we asked a small group of them how they hope to celebrate the day while staying safe. This is what they had to say:


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Dawn, mom of two:

“I think that since I’m not going to get to see my mom, I did have a gift sent to her, something that Megan and I share that we like so hopefully she’ll like too. But I would also like to be able to Zoom and have breakfast with her or lunch or dinner on Mother’s Day. I have been very fortunate because I have been able to see my kids quite often with one living with me and the other basically next door. But because we can’t go out and I’ve been cooking three meals a day, every single day for weeks, I would love to have a meal brought in. Something that wasn’t like burgers and fries, something like a good Italian meal. And I want to have just a really nice dinner with a bottle of wine and no clean up involved. So that and just continuing to spend time with my family and being fortunate that we can be all together and can afford to have a nice meal be brought in. I would dream of a pedicure and manicure, but I think I will just dream of that for now.”

Heidi, mom of 3:

“My biggest hope during this quarantine Mother’s Day is for it not to rain. I find rain extra depressing during this time. My oldest is old enough to know how to shop online so I know she is trying I find a present for me. I will take some time to Zoom or drive by with my mom. The past several weeks have been crazy, but when you stop and think about it, us moms with kids at home will never have this time again. So also being thankful.”

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Bailey, mom of a newborn:

“I became a first-time mom two weeks ago when our perfect little girl entered the world. Being pregnant and giving birth during this global pandemic wasn’t exactly how I pictured my pregnancy experience to end. I wasn’t able to spend time with family and friends before our daughter’s arrival, and nobody was permitted to visit while we were in the hospital. In the weeks leading up to her birth, I couldn’t help but feel like I was missing out on celebrating her arrival. But now when I look back on the past few weeks, I wouldn’t change how they played out for anything. I was able to spend quality time with my husband before we became parents. And once we became parents, we were able to bond with our new daughter and focus solely on her instead of worrying about visitors coming in and out. And that is exactly how I want to spend my first mother’s day, just me and my husband at home with our daughter. There is nothing else I would rather do than relax at home and create memories with my family. Some see being in quarantine as a pain and an inconvenience, but I can’t help but see it as a blessing and perfect opportunity to spend time with my family that I’m lucky enough to have been blessed with.”

Kierstin, mom of 4:

“I told Scott and the kids that I would like to spend the day in the woods for a hike and a picnic. We’ll hike to a remote part of the state forest and hang out for a few hours (rain or shine). The gift I asked for is a kitchen compost bin. [Laughing emoji].”

Christina, mom of a newborn:

“I am so excited for my first Mother’s Day! Even though things look a little different this year, I am still looking forward to the big day. I honestly just want to spend the day hanging out and relaxing. Depending on the weather, of course, I would love to hang out outside on the patio, have a drink, and spend time with my baby and fiancé. If we have to spend it in the house, I am down to work on a puzzle and watch some movies on Netflix. I am sure we will have a nice dinner later on as well. Either way, I am excited to spend the day with my family.”

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Danielle, mom of 1:

“This will be [the first] Mother’s Day for me as a first-time mom. I would like to spend my day with my baby girl and DJ, my boyfriend. Since we are going through this pandemic and social distancing, I would like to spend our day maybe going on a hike and having a picnic somewhere, maybe in Cook Forrest National Park. I am sad that I can’t spend the day with family and my own mother. Or, spend it with my sister who is going to be a mother here in June. But, to be able to spend time with my significant other and the one who made me a mom is all I can really ask for at this horrific time.”

Shelby, mom of 1:

“I would love to spend Mother’s Day in a bubble bath with wine, while Kenny (my husband) takes care of our son, Wade, all day. No poopy diapers for me! [Laughing emoji].”

Kate, mom of 3:

“This year for Mother’s Day I plan on spending the day with my 3 kids and husband. The kids want to plant flowers, so weather cooperating I think we will work on that. We’ll probably grill out for dinner and just stay home. We unfortunately probably will not get the chance to see my mother-in-law or mom this year, but hopefully soon.”

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Tera, mom of 1:

“So normally we would spend Mother’s Day at the beach but this year I would like to go for a family ride in our 1975 Bronco and have a nice dinner at home relaxing in our newly updated backyard oasis. Oh, and maybe squeeze in a nap.”

Michelle, mom of 1:

“It’s my first one so I’m sure it will be special in and of itself!”

Tommi, soon-to-be mom of 2:

“Mother’s Day 2020 might look a little different but I’m actually looking forward to it more this year than any other year. I’m a Mom of a beautiful 3-year-old boy, and I am 33 weeks pregnant with our little girl. Being pregnant during the coronavirus has been scary and honestly quite lonely. I’ve had to do ultrasounds and appointments alone, and we are preparing to not be allowed any visitors in the hospital. It will be hard not having our son or any close family with us. Even just being away from my girlfriends during this time has made me realize how special a hug from a friend is. This Mother’s Day is my chance to drop the stress, and just enjoy my sweet family and celebrate motherhood for the day. My fiancé cooks for a local restaurant, so I am fortunate enough to look forward to a perfect rack of lamb or steak. We live on 5 acres and with that comes wildflowers, so I’m sure I’ll be surprised with some hand-picked flowers. I plan on sitting on the porch, eating good food, and playing in the yard with our boy. It will be a simple day but, a very needed one during this time. My thoughts and hopes go out to all of the special Mommas out there, in hopes that everyone can take time to enjoy their day.”

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Tamara, mom of 2:

“I have my son (19) home from college safe, healthy, and doing well with online learning. I also have my 16-year-old safe, healthy, and doing well with distance learning. I don’t need anything else. That’s all I want for Mother’s Day!”

So to all you dads, husband, significant others, and kids out there, if you’re trying to find a way to make your mom’s day special—even at a distance—take some notes straight from the source. Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas who are working particularly hard out there this year!

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Mamas Uncut is THE online place for moms. We cover the latest about motherhood, parenting, and entertainment as well – all with a mom-focused twist. So if you're looking for parenting advice from real parents, we have plenty of it, all for moms from moms, and also experts. Because, at the end of the day, our mission is focused solely on empowering moms and moms-to-be with the knowledge and answers they’re looking for in one safe space.


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