Mamas Uncut

Nick Carter Hit With Lawsuit and Accused of Disturbing Behavior

The hits just keep coming for Nick Carter after a new lawsuit accuses him of raping a woman after a February 2001 concert. The woman also alleges in the lawsuit that during the sexual assault, Carter gave her HPV.

Nick Carter Hit With Lawsuit and Accused of Disturbing Behavior

According to the lawsuit filed on December 8, the unnamed woman claims the rape occurred following a Backstreet Boys concert in Tacoma, Washington. She was 17 years old at the time.

Nick Carter Hit With Lawsuit and Accused of Rape
Debby Wong /

NBC News further reports that after the woman met Carter he reportedly invited her onto their tour bus. It was then that Carter handed her what she believes to have been an alcoholic beverage.

From there, the lawsuit claims that Carter forced her to perform oral sex in the tour bus bathroom and demanded that she stop crying. The allegations continue with the woman saying Carter raped her a second time on a bed in the back of the tour bus as she demanded that he stop. 

The woman has said she has autism and cerebral palsy and claimed that during the assault Carter used a “slur” to describe her disabilities and told her no one would believe her if she told anyone. “He also said he’d turn people against me because he’s Nick Carter and he would wreck my life,” she is quoted saying in the news release issued by her lawyer. 

The woman said she believed Carter and feared reporting the assault. For years the woman said she struggled with self-harm.

“I am getting better and I am ready to seek justice,” she said in the release, NBC News reports. Carter would have been 21 at the time.


Immediately following the release of the lawsuit, Carter’s lawyers issued a statement on behalf of the singer as well. Michael Holtz, Carter’s attorney, said the allegations are “legally meritless” and “entirely untrue,” NBC reports.

Holtz continued, adding, that the woman had been “manipulated into making false allegations about Nick — and those allegations have changed repeatedly and materially over time. No one should be fooled by a press stunt orchestrated by an opportunistic lawyer — there is nothing to this claim whatsoever, which we have no doubt the courts will quickly realize.”

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