22 Organizations You Can Donate To Right Now That Support Black Moms, Black Youth, and the Black Community Overall

Between the protests and subsequent riots that have left storefronts and businesses destroyed, and most importantly, the injustice the black community has been living through for the last 400 years, it’s easy to feel helpless and hopeless.

But now is not the time to sit back and ignore what is happening around us, it’s time to stand up and help even if you don’t have the words. Because more often than not, it’s your actions that speak louder, so here are agencies, organizations, businesses, and charities you can donate to and support as a way of showing the black community you stand with them.

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Organizations Supporting Black Moms:

Black Mamas Bail Out: “The National Bail Out Collective coordinates the Mama’s Day Bail Outs, where we bail out as many Black Mamas and caregivers as we can so they can spend Mother’s Day with their families where they belong!”

Black Mamas Matter Alliance: “Black Mamas Matter Alliance is a Black women-led cross-sectoral alliance. We center Black mamas to advocate, drive research, build power, and shift culture for Black maternal health, rights, and justice.”

INCITE!: “INCITE! is a network of radical feminists of color organizing to end state violence and violence in our homes and communities.”

Sister Love: “We envision a world in which we can all live in human dignity with equal protections regardless of illness, disability, race, sex, class, sexual or gender identity, or other cultural, social, political, economic, or geographic distinctions.” The Sister Love organization focuses its time on education and wellness.

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It’s become very clear to me that some of you need to see what I’ve seen. Please swipe through this. These pictures and videos don’t even scratch the surface. It’s easy from the comfort of your home to watch looting and rioting on television and condone the violent measures being taken by forces. But what you don’t see is innocent peaceful protestors being shot at and tear gassed and physically assaulted relentlessly. You think it’s not happening, it’s only the “thugs” and the “riots”, right? The police are keeping you safe right? You’re wrong. This is happening everywhere. And innocent people exercising their rights to speech and assembly are facing violence and abuse of power. With all of our medical professionals being CONSUMED and EXHAUSTED with Covid, there is little to no medical attention available. I have first hand treated men women and children who have been shot in the chest, the face, the back. Some will lose vision some have lost fingers. I have been covered in innocent blood. My father is a black man. My mother is an EMT. This week I had to put those two associations together in ways that have horrified me. This is NOT a virtue signaling post. But I HAVE to show you what I am witnessing with my own eyes. With Trump’s decision today to enforce the mobilization of armed forces on our own citizens, this has escalated beyond your privilege and comfort to not care. Please care. We are begging you to care. This is war on Americans. This is everyone’s problem. Everyone’s. #BLACKLIVESMATTER

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Organizations Supporting Black Children and Youth:

Black Youth Project: “The Black Youth Project will examine the attitudes, resources, and culture of the young, urban black millennial, exploring how these factors and others influence their decision-making, norms, and behavior in critical domains such as sex, health, and politics.”

FIERCE: “FIERCE is an LGBTQ youth of color-led organization. We build the leadership, political consciousness, and organizing skills of LGBTQ youth. In New York City, we organize local grassroots campaigns to fight police harassment and violence and increased access to safe public space for LGBTQ youth.”

Black Women Health Imperative: “The first nonprofit organization created by Black women to help protect and advance the health and wellness of Black women and girls.”

My Brother’s Keeper: “My Brother’s Keeper Alliance seeks to improve outcomes for boys and young men of color by igniting efforts on national and local levels.”

Support Black Businesses:

PurHome: According to BLK+GRN, “PUR Home was created by Angela Richardson. Angela is a green living advocate who hopes to educate others on how to live an eco-friendly life. Angela is the CEO and Founder of PUR Home and is the formulator and product developer.”

The Honey Pot Company: According to Forbes, “The Honey Pot Company is a plant-based, black-owned feminine care brand that was founded by Beatrice Dixon, 1 of the first 40 women of color to raise $1 million in venture capital.”

Golde: Being home means making your own coffee drinks, so spice it up with this wellness brand known as Golde. Trinity Mouzon Wofford “co-founded Golde with [her] partner Issey Kobori in 2017 with the mission of bringing good vibes to the wellness industry. We’re an independent, Brooklyn-born brand centered in making superfood-boosted essentials for health and beauty. Our products are always natural, easy, and (most importantly) fun.”

The McBride Sisters Wine Collection: Running out of wine at home? Think about ordering your next helping of wine from The McBride Sisters Wine Collection, which was started by “two sisters who had a shared passion for wine.”

Little Likes Kids: Are your kiddos starting to get bored around the house, well Little Likes Kids has got your little ones under the age of 6 covered. Katryce “founded Little Likes Kids™ because I wanted toy options for my son that reflected his and his friends’ experiences. As a mother, my job is to love, and sharing toys that include images and experiences that reflect my son is a way for me to show him he is loved.”

Kids Swag: Owner and founder Kim West created Kids Swag because it “embodies a key principle of how I live and how I parent [with] Mindful Representation. What it means is Kids Swag is not about anyone product it’s about a shift in mindset, it’s a lifestyle that is focused on helping you be inclusive and celebrate yourself and others.”

Support Criminal Justice Reform Through These Organizations:

The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.: The NAACPLDF “is America’s premier legal organization fighting for racial justice.” From police reform and the death penalty, voting rights, education, to economic equity, affirmative action, and more, the LDF is committed to improving racial disparities and equality.

Brooklyn Community Bail Fund: “Brooklyn Community Bail Fund is committed to challenging the racism, inequality, and injustice of a criminal legal system and immigration and deportation regime that disproportionately target and harm low-income communities of color.”

Organizations That Support Protesters and the Community:

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU): “For nearly 100 years, the ACLU has been our nation’s guardian of liberty, working in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and the laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.” This organization’s goal is equality for all.

The Minnesota Freedom Fund: “People of color and immigrants face higher rates of arrest, harsher sentencing, and disparities in the setting of bail compared to white citizens.” As a result, the Freedom Fund helps families pay the bails and bonds to get their loved ones out of jail.

Campaign Zero: Campaign Zero is an organization that focuses on ending police brutality. “We can live in a world where the police don’t kill people by limiting police interventions, improving community interactions, and ensuring accountability. […] It will take deliberate action by policymakers at every level of government to end police violence.”

Black Lives Matter: “Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.”

George Floyd Memorial Fund

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George Floyd Memorial Fund: “This fund is established to cover funeral and burial expenses, mental and grief counseling, lodging and travel for all court proceedings, and to assist our family in the days to come as we continue to seek justice for George. A portion of these funds will also go to the Estate of George Floyd for the benefit and care of his children and their educational fund.”

George Floyd’s Sister’s Fund: This second GoFundMe account is for the family’s travel expenses as well as legal funds.

How to Give to Organizations If You Don’t Have Any Money to Give:

“This video project was created to offer people a way to donate and financially contribute to #blacklivesmatter without having any actual money or going out to protest themselves. Investing in our future can be difficult for young people, so 100% of the advertisement revenue this video makes through AdSense will be donated to the associations that offer protester bail funds, help pay for family funerals, and advocacy listed in the beginning of the video.”

All you have to do is listen to the entire video and let the ads play through.

Have we left off any organizations you think people should be supporting? Let us know which organizations you’re donating to that support the black community in the comments.

About Mamas Uncut

Mamas Uncut is THE online place for moms. We cover the latest about motherhood, parenting, and entertainment as well – all with a mom-focused twist. So if you're looking for parenting advice from real parents, we have plenty of it, all for moms from moms, and also experts. Because, at the end of the day, our mission is focused solely on empowering moms and moms-to-be with the knowledge and answers they’re looking for in one safe space.


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