Search Results for: Christmas gifts

Is It Normal That My 9-Year-Old Still Believes in Santa?

Is It Normal That My 9-Year-Old Still Believes in Santa?

A mom writes in asking for advice about Santa Claus. She says her 9-year-old son, who will be 10 in December, still believes in Santa. This mom knows that some of his friends already know “the truth” about Santa, and she is wondering if she has a duty to get him up to speed. She doesn’t want her son to get made of by his friends or others if they find out he still believes at this age. Additionally, she worries that when he does find out about Santa, he would be upset with her for hiding the truth from him. Should she let the magic stay alive or think about telling him?

My Husband Didn't Acknowledge Our Anniversary, and It Isn't the First Time He's Dropped the Ball: Advice?
Advice, Relationships

My Husband Didn’t Acknowledge Our Anniversary, and It Isn’t the First Time He’s Dropped the Ball: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her husband. She says she has been with her husband for six years and married for four. He has a history of not always planning something special for important dates and anniversaries. But recently, he came home on their fourth wedding anniversary and didn’t even acknowledge that it was their anniversary. This mom had expected to go out; instead, he said he was tired and fell asleep. This mom is heartbroken and angry. What should she do?

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