Search Results for: twins

I'm Conflicted About Having a Second Child: What Are the Pros and Cons?

I’m Conflicted About Having a Second Child: What Are the Pros and Cons?

A mom writes in asking for advice about whether or not she should have a second child. This mom-of-one says “life is crazy enough with one” child, and she worries that adding another into the mix will only make life harder. However, she worries that one day she will look back and wish she had a second, only it will be too late to do it by then. She asks moms with multiples what the pros and cons are of having more than one child.

Entertainment, Parenting, Pregnancy

7 Unique and Awesome Gender Reveal Ideas

The gender reveal trend isn’t new, so it can be tough to come up with unique ways of finding out whether you’re having a boy or a girl. Many couples have done the tried-and-true confetti balloon, pink or blue iced cake, or blue or pink smoke bombs to reveal the gender of their baby, much to the delight of friends and family.

The 20 Funniest Dads on Twitter
Entertainment, Parenting

The 20 Funniest Dads on Twitter

There’s a reason the term “dad jokes” is such a thing. While they may make teenagers cringe, dad jokes can also bring us many laugh-out-loud moments during the ridiculously entertaining (and sometimes frustrating!) chaos that is home life with children.

There's a Huge Age Gap Between My Three Older Kids and My New Baby, and I'm Struggling: Is That Normal?

There’s a Huge Age Gap Between My Three Older Kids and My New Baby, and I’m Struggling: Is That Normal?

A mom writes in asking for advice about the age gap between her kids. She is a mother-of-four; three of her four kids are teenagers or pre-teens. Her newest child is an 11-month-old infant. That makes the age gap between her youngest child and second-oldest kid more than 10 years. This mom has been struggling, and she is unsure why. She has raised three kids, but this fourth one seems harder. Is it due to the age gap? Any advice for her?

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