Search Results for: bad baby names

Should We Just Skip Preschool Due to COVID-19 and the Ongoing Pandemic?
Advice, Parenting

Should We Just Skip Preschool Due to COVID-19 and the Ongoing Pandemic?

A mom writes in asking for advice about preschool. This mom is wondering if she should just skip sending her 4-year-old to preschool as planned due to COVID-19 and the ongoing novel coronavirus pandemic. In addition to her preschool-age child, she also has a 1-year-old at home and another on the way. Like many moms, she is flying a bit blind in this new world. Any advice for her?

Is It Normal for a Girl to Start Her Period at Just 8- or 9-Years-Old?

Is It Normal for a Girl to Start Her Period at Just 8- or 9-Years-Old?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her daughter starting her period. This mom says she took her daughter to the doctor for her 8-year checkup. During the examination, the doctor warned that girls are more commonly getting their periods at just 8 or 9 years old, which has this mom worried. She is concerned that her daughter will struggle with difficult periods, which would be especially hard at that age. She is also worried something may be wrong, based on some internet research she’s done. Any advice for this mom?

I'm Scared to Give Birth During the Coronavirus Pandemic: Advice?
Advice, Giving Birth, Parenting, Pregnancy

I’m Scared to Give Birth During the Coronavirus Pandemic: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about giving birth during the ongoing novel Coronavirus pandemic. This mom-to-be-says she has a C-section scheduled for November, and she is terrified. She is terrified that her husband will not be allowed to be in the delivery room with her and that she will be alone during the birth. She wants to hear from other moms who have given or are planning to give birth during the pandemic for advice and support.

My Mother-in-Law Thinks I'm Deliberately Keeping My Child Away From Her... And I Guess I Am, But Only Because She's an Essential Worker and I'm Playing It Safe

My Mother-in-Law Thinks I’m Deliberately Keeping My Child Away From Her… And I Guess I Am, But Only Because She’s an Essential Worker and I’m Playing It Safe

A mom writes in asking for advice about her mother-in-law. She says her MIL “swears” this mom is deliberately keeping her 7-month-old away from her. And in a way, that is true, because this MIL is an essential worker, and this mom wants to keep her family safe during the ongoing novel coronavirus pandemic. Still, this mom is not deliberately trying to keep her child away, and she is not doing so to be rude or petty. How can she communicate this to her mother-in-law?

My Mother-in-Law Very Clearly Favors My Youngest Child Because of Biological Relation: Advice?
Advice, Relationships

My Mother-in-Law Very Clearly Favors My Youngest Child Because of Biological Relation: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her mother-in-law. She says that her mother-in-law favors her youngest child over her oldest. This mom suspects it is likely due to the fact that her youngest is her mother-in-law’s first “blood” (or biological) grandchild, as her older child is from a previous relationship. Still, it bothers this mom that her MIL so clearly favors one over the other. What should she do?

Would It Be Wrong for Me to Tell My Sister-in-Law I Can't Watch Her Kids Anymore?
Advice, Relationships

Would It Be Wrong for Me to Tell My Sister-in-Law I Can’t Watch Her Kids Anymore?

A mom writes in asking for advice about watching her sister-in-law’s kids. This mom-of-three (who is currently pregnant with her fourth) says that recently her sister-in-law asked her to watch her two daughters. This mom agreed and continued to help with her SIL’s kids over the last couple of months. Between the cost of feeding two additional children and scheduling issues, this mom is feeling stressed and is thinking she may not be able to watch her SIL’s kids anymore, but she doesn’t want to create drama. What should she do?

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