Search Results for: bad baby names

My 5-Year-Old Stepdaughter Pees and Poops on the Floor of Her Room at Night: Advice?

My 5-Year-Old Stepdaughter Pees and Poops on the Floor of Her Room at Night: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 5-year-old stepdaughter. She says her stepdaughter has started peeing and pooping on the floor of her room during the night. She gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom on the floor. This mom as attempted to speak with her stepdaughter to learn more about what’s going on but has been unable to get clear answers. Counseling is already on this mom’s mind as a potential solution, but the pandemic has complicated following through on that plan.

How Can I Get My Hyperactive 3-Year-Old to Calm Down and Listen?

How Can I Get My Hyperactive 3-Year-Old to Calm Down and Listen?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 3-year-old toddler. She says her son is “super hyperactive.” He is usually fine when it just the two of them, but if anyone else is around, “all respect goes out the window.” He runs wild, throws things, yells, and then throws a fit when his mom tries to calm him or send him to his room. This mom wants to know if there is anything can do to help change this behavior, to calm him when he is in such a state.

How Do I Know If It Is the Right Time for Me to Start Dating Again?
Advice, Relationships

How Do I Know If It Is the Right Time for Me to Start Dating Again?

A mom writes in asking for advice about when she might start dating again. This single mom, who has a 13-month-old baby, hasn’t dated anyone since she was six months pregnant. She says her last relationship was bad, but she has recently started feeling open to the idea of letting someone new into her (and her baby’s) life. She asks the community for advice about when people in similar situations knew they were ready to date, the best ways to meet potential partners, and more.

I'm Worried My Diet Is Affecting My Breastmilk: Should I Supplement Breastfeeding with Formula?
Advice, Parenting

I’m Worried My Diet Is Affecting My Breastmilk: Should I Supplement Breastfeeding with Formula?

A mom writes in asking for advice about breastfeeding. She says her 5-week-old baby, who has been breastfed since birth, recently started getting severe stomach pains and gas and acts as if he’s still hungry immediately after a feeding. Her supply is not an issue, but she is wondering if maybe her diet is affecting things. She is concerned her baby is not getting the proper nutrients to need and is wondering if she should supplement with formula.

My Mom Very Explicitly Favors One of My Daughters and It Makes Me Not Want to See Her: Advice?
Advice, Extended Family, Parenting, Relationships

My Mom Very Explicitly Favors One of My Daughters and It Makes Me Not Want to See Her: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her mom, whom she says explicitly favors the eldest of her two daughters. This mom says that her mom told her ahead of the arrival of her second baby that she doesn’t “know if I can love another one” After the baby was born, her mom continued to make comments and behave as if she only loves and cares about her oldest grandchild.

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