Search Results for: toddler

How Can I Get My Hyperactive 3-Year-Old to Calm Down and Listen?

How Can I Get My Hyperactive 3-Year-Old to Calm Down and Listen?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 3-year-old toddler. She says her son is “super hyperactive.” He is usually fine when it just the two of them, but if anyone else is around, “all respect goes out the window.” He runs wild, throws things, yells, and then throws a fit when his mom tries to calm him or send him to his room. This mom wants to know if there is anything can do to help change this behavior, to calm him when he is in such a state.

My Almost Year-Old Baby Refuses to Eat Anything Other Than Baby Food: Advice
Advice, Food, Parenting

My Almost Year-Old Baby Refuses to Eat Anything Other Than Baby Food: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 11-month-old baby who, she says, refuses to eat any food other than baby food. She has tried a ton of different baby-safe foods, but nothing has taken. Her son will only eat baby food with cereal mixed in. If she gives him something else, like peas or eggs or banana, “he will gag until he makes himself throw up.” Do you have any advice for this mom?

My 8-Month-Old Baby Still Wakes Up Three Times a Night and I'm Struggling: Is This Normal?
Advice, Parenting

My 8-Month-Old Baby Still Wakes Up Three Times a Night and I’m Struggling: Is This Normal?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 8-month-old baby. She says her baby still wakes up three times a night, and the only thing that will get her back to sleep is breastfeeding/nursing. This mom says her daughter eats (solid food) at about 6 every night, is put down for sleep around 7:30, but wakes up three times a night and needs to nurse in order to fall back asleep. This mom is tempted to start the switch to formula to see if that helps change this behavior, but she doesn’t want to give up breastfeeding just yet, if possible.

My 5-Year-Old's Behavior Has Gotten Wildly Out of Control — He Steals, Lies, and Hurts His Baby Brother: Advice?

My 5-Year-Old’s Behavior Has Gotten Wildly Out of Control — He Steals, Lies, and Hurts His Baby Brother: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 5-year-old son’s bad behavior. She says things are so bad she basically cannot let her son out of her sight at all. He steals things like forks, tampons, and toilet paper, and recently he broke into her desk and took important papers, a letter opener, and money. She has also caught him on the baby monitor sneaking into his 1-year-old brother’s room and throwing things at the baby in his crib. What can this mom do?

How Can I Explain to My 3-Year-Old That He Can't Be As Affectionate As He Is With Strangers?
Advice, Relationships

How Can I Explain to My 3-Year-Old That He Can’t Be As Affectionate As He Is With Strangers?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 3-year-old son, whom she says is overly affectionate with strangers. She says her son will hug and kiss strangers — friends of the mom’s who come over to visit, for example — and this behavior makes his mom uncomfortable. The strangers, she says, will usually laugh, which she feels encourages him to do it more. She wants to explain to him that it is not okay to kiss strangers. Any advice?

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