Search Results for: toddler

Tips on Weaning a 2-Year-Old Off of Their Pacifier?

Tips on Weaning a 2-Year-Old Toddler Off of Their Pacifier?

A mom writes in asking for advice about pacifiers. She says her son, 2, is “absolutely hooked” on his pacifier. She wants to know if any other moms have advice about how she might consider beginning him to wean him off of using it. She adds that continued prolonged use for them is not an option, as his teeth are already beginning to misalign. So what say you, mamas? Any advice on pacifier weaning?

My Toddler Has Started Mimicking My Cursing: How Can I Fix This?

My Toddler Has Started Mimicking My Cursing: How Can I Fix This?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her two-and-a-half-year-old toddler daughter. She says her daughter has recently started cursing and using swear words (the f-word and the s-word, specifically) when she drops something or is told “no.” This mom admits that her daughter almost definitely learned the language from her, as she uses those words sometimes herself. But how does she put an end to this behavior and retrain her daughter not to use those words?

My Fiancé's Teenage Son Is Cruel to Our Toddler Daughter: Advice?
Advice, Relationships

My Fiancé’s Teenage Son Is Cruel to Our Toddler Daughter: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her stepson, a 15-year-old boy, who she says is mean to the daughter she shares with her fiancé. Her fiancé’s son, she says, is constantly hurting and scaring their daughter. He pushes her down. Or he does something else troublesome and tries to blame the toddler. He has repeatedly scared her at night after she’s been put to bed. Her fiancé has tried to speak with his son, and though it has helped, some of the behavior still continues.

My Toddler Isn't Much of a Meat-Eater and Is Very Picky in General: Advice?
Advice, Food, Parenting

My Toddler Isn’t Much of a Meat-Eater and Is Very Picky in General: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her almost-three-year-old toddler daughter. She says she is not much a meat-eater. She is also, as of recently, not much of a veggie eater. She’ll take a single bite of dinner and refuse to eat more. In short, she’s a very stubborn picky eater. It’s gotten so bad overall that her daughter is waking up in the middle of the night hungry because she has refused to eat. Advice?

My Toddler Hates Sleep and It's Becoming a Problem: Advice?
Advice, Parenting

My Toddler Hates Sleep and It’s Becoming a Problem: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her almost-4-year-old daughter. She says her daughter “hates sleep.” She’s energetic, and though this mom is constantly trying to tire her out, it never results in better sleep. She mostly only sleeps 4 – 5 hours per night total. She tries to let her daughter “cry it out,” but this is complicated because the crying is disruptive to an elderly relative with dementia who also lives with them. Any advice for this exhausted mom?

I'm Potty Training My Toddler, and He's Terrified of Going Number Two on the Toilet: Advice?

I’m Potty Training My Toddler, and He’s Terrified of Going Number Two on the Toilet: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about potty training. She says she is currently potty training her 3-year-old toddler, and though he’s doing well overall (with Number One, anyway), she says he is “terrified of going Number Two.” He explicitly says he is scared. She tries to coax him with prizes. But it isn’t taking. She says she is now on day three of him “holding it in,” and so she’d like some advice about ways she can encourage him.

My Two-Year-Old Toddler Holds His Breath for Long Periods When He's Upset: Is This Normal?

My Two-Year-Old Toddler Holds His Breath for Long Periods When He’s Upset: Is This Normal?

A mom writes in asking about her two-year-old toddler, who she says has “breath holding spells” that have started to worry her. She says her son will hold his breath until his lips turn blue. It often happens after he gets hurt or is upset. It has not yet gotten to the point where her son has passed out, but her doctor warned that it could eventually happen. Is this normal behavior? Should she be worried? Do you have any advice for this concerned mama?

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