Potty Training Is So Hard: Help These 15 Struggling Parents With Any Tricks or Tips

Potty training is a milestone moment for both parents and children. It signifies the transition from diapers to a more independent stage where the child can use the restroom on their own. However, despite its importance, potty training can be one of the most challenging phases of parenting. Parents often feel frustrated when their child doesn’t seem to catch on, leading to accidents and tears. If you’re a parent who’s feeling overwhelmed with the task of potty training your child, you’re not alone.

In our community forum, we get countless questions about potty training from desperate parents trying to navigate this icky journey. We decided to round up the best questions and responses from our forum to share with you. If you are a parent who is having difficulty, please read on. If you’re a parent who knows what worked for your children, please share your feedback.

Question: How to potty train boys?

Potty training questions
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Have you tried the no pants method? See how it goes having no bottoms on at all.
  • Make up crazy fun songs about pooping on the potty…and if he goes poop on the potty sing and dance act crazy…and tell him he get 3 m&ms candies…sing songs about when ya poop ya get to flush it down down down. And it goes round round round…etc…make it a fun ordeal…saty positive. Don’t give up…he will get it…but I am totally against the negativity…positivity and fun will bring about better faster results. Read a book…while sitting g on the potty … play a game…etc…
  • I dedicated an entire weekend to potty training with my son. I took off work on a Friday and we moved the toddler potty to the area of the house where we mostly are during the day. I had him wear nothing but underwear and literally asked him every 30 minutes if he had to go potty. We did a reward system 2 m&m’s for pee and a dum dum lollipop for poop, by Sunday night we had no accidents so we went Monday to pick out a toy of his choice. To get him to go on the big potty since that can be intimidating to some I told him that we had fish that lived in hole and he had to feed them, we also used Cheerios/fruit loops to have him aim for them (made a game out of it).
  • My youngest wouldn’t climb on a regular toilet until he was three. It sounds gross but move the poop to the inside of the training toilet. My youngest son didn’t understand pooping in the potty until we did that and then showed him that yay, the poop is in the potty! And find a reward system that he likes. Our boys loved stickers so there was one sticker given for pee and two for poop. It took less than two weeks to get him toilet trained after that.

Best potty training seats/tips?

Potty training questions
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I took my LO with me to the bathroom every time I went. The behavior mimic started and pretty soon she wanted to do the same thing. Sat on her potty chair in her diaper like a chair to get used to it. Took a year or so to get her going regularly but we got there. Takes time and they honestly have to want it or it’s a STRUGGLE.
  • You need a kids potty. Like the actual tiny potty that can be moved. Put the potty in whatever room your child hangs out in the most. Then let him be naked all day at home and give him lots of juice/milk if you see him peeing hurry out him on the little potty while telling him this is where you pee. You will have accidents to clean up but thats potty training. As you notice he is making to the little potty majority of the time start moving it closer to the bathroom then eventually when he shows interest in the big potty remove the tiny one all together. As for outings during potty training if you have preschool in mind. No pills up or diapers when going out bring extra clothes with you. Even keeps some in the car. If he pees when out tell him you need to use the potty. Make a big deal about him peeing himself. Don’t scold him but make it well noticed that because he peed himself he has to stop what you guys are doing and change. Wash those clothes wipe him down etc.

How to potty train girls?

Potty training questions
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • My daughter been trained since she turned 2 … Honestly she love videos about paw patrol using the potty. I sat her potty out and left her pull up on and then she just kept going on her own and we switched to panties.
  • I painted one of my daughters nails everytime she used the potty. She loved having her nails painted so I told her If she pottys in the big girl potty she gets one of her nails painted any color she picks. It worked and she loved her rainbow nails.
  • Well in all honesty I got my 2 and a 1/2 yr old potty trained by letting her run around the house with no pants or undies on for a few weeks. Everytime I got up to go potty (I’m pregnant so it’s a lot) she would come with me and either sit on her potty or try on the big potty before or after me. And I would get all excited Woo-hoo good job and wows everytime she went on the potty and started incorporating undies and asking after she ate drank anything before we went anywhere and when we arrived places. And now she’s good to go!

Needing potty training advice!

Potty training questions
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • For me it was difficult until my oldest was ready (was about 3 years old) he just had no interest whatsoever. With my other 2 I waited until they showed interest. My advice would be to have him go with you in the bathroom when you have to go. It’s harder on them and us when they just aren’t ready or not interested. Good luck and remember to be patient.
  • You wait until he’s interested. Get a little training potty for him. Explain what it’s for and ask him to tell you when he has to go so you can undo his diaper. You may want to try pull ups and he could then go on his own. He may be a little young for that.
  • Let it go for a while. Two is pretty young especially for a boy.

How to potty train while coparenting?

Potty training questions
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Uh ya potty training needs to be fun. It’s literally a whole new idea to them they have never had to hold it in or wait to go. Punishing a tiny human with a tiny bladder is terrible.
  • Honestly it worked out so much better when we waited til our son started showing an interest. We also let him go outside and asked him several times. It took forever but it was a nightmare trying to get him to do it before he was ready.
  • I ain’t tryin to be a jerk here at all. I don’t know your kid or what motivates him. I would talk with a family counselor as coparents and find out if your son is on “normal” path or if acting out for some reason.
  • No!! No time out! That will cause more harm . My thoughts are he’s just not ready yet.
  • You’re on his schedule…don’t force it. He will let you know when he’s ready. So much easier that way!

How to potty train a non verbral toddler?

Potty training questions
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • What about a chart with velcro with pictures of potty, food, drink, and so on? Maybe he will grasp it visually. I believe they are called PECS Symbols.
  • My youngest grandson was a late talker. His hearing tested out fine. We were going to try to teach him sign language, but his father threw a fit. So he got speech therapy instead. He was nearly 3.5 before he started to talk. Once he started, he never hushed! Anyway, you should probably get a potty chair for him and show him how to use it. My guess is he will catch on pretty fast since he doesn’t like to be wet or dirty. You might try using a hand clap to indicate that he has to potty. It’s easy and quick. And he can clap once for pee and twice for poop. That’s a little complicated for a toddler. But it could be he’ll do it himself.
  • My son was non verbal and he kinda potty trained him self i couldn’t communicate with him as he didn’t want to learn signs he made he’s own up over time anyway he was the same always took his nappy off etc so i showed him the potty he didn’t want to no and then i showed him the big boy toilet and that was a different ball game all he wanted was big smiles and happy faces and he never looked bk was definitely a lot harder because of no communication but if they want to do it then they will do it. Don’t force it tho cuz will put them ryt off the idea.

My 3-year-old refuses to potty train: Advice?

Potty training questions
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • 3 is still young. Some children go into the 4’s. Relax. It’ll happen.
  • Some are just stubborn. All’s you can do is keep trying. They will do it when they are ready.
  • Mine is the same. If they judge I say “when will you be over to help potty train her?”
  • I put the potty seat in front of the TV. Let me girls go naked for 1st day. Anyways both were potty trained at 1.5 yrs old I also removed all diapers and bought a lot of panties. Accidents happened but took 1 week of hard work

Needing potty training advice

Potty training questions
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Big popsicles did the trick for mine!
  • One thing I learned is boy go when they feel like it but try to encourage him like we did a sticker chart.
  • I would find something he likes like a favorite piece of candy so he has a immediate rewatd in the house. He may not be able to understand how long it will take to go to the store.
  • Have you tried ditching the diapers? No pullups either. Straight to underwear. When he poops it will feel different and may not like it. He obviously knows how to control it. Just a thought.
  • My son refused to 2 on the potty for the longest time until we got a treasure box and filled it with tiny trinkets or treats. He got one for trying and we’d go every 30 mins or so to try and 2 if he actually went. It took some time but he liked seeing the different options of prizes.

RELATED: Carrie Underwood Shares Adorable Video of Her Encouraging Son’s Potty Training Efforts From Afar

How to potty train a child with autism?

Potty training questions
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • my autistic son was almost 6/starting kindergarten when he was finally potty trained. Part of it was he just couldn’t be bothered to stop whatever he was doing to go. It wasn’t until we got rid of the pull ups and just went to underwear that he finally stopped going in his pants. It was uncomfortable, and pull ups kept him too dry still.
  • A timer has been my best friend! But we only have No.1 under control. For No.2 my son squats the “correct way” humans are suppose to poop. Which is knees to your chest. He won’t poop any other way. But on the bright side he will definitely change himself.
  • I used to be a registered behavior therapist (provide ABA for children on the spectrum) we used to start and take them every 5 minutes in their underwear only and every time they have 3 successes we would move up to 5 more minutes we would do 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, an hour and then usually kept it at an hour for a whole day or 2 and then move them to 2 hours and we would increase intake of fluids. When accidents happen you quickly take them to the bathroom and say peepee on the potty allow them to try to sit and go and move them back to the previous time. I would recommend taking data manually to help yourself keep track but for them to move to the next time they have to have 3 successes in that time slot. Also when taking to the bathroom we would make them say or mand for potty or Pee pee and if non verbal we used a PECS which we have the hand us the picture of the toilet whichever you’ll say more at home It’s definitely a process and takes about a week to a week and a half and you have to be very consistent… which isn’t always quite possible for every parent.
  • Mine didn’t potty train until he was 6. He did it on his own. I stopped pressuring him about the toilet and he just woke up one day and wanted to and that was it.
  • My son ia 4.5 with autism. We just leave him with nothing on his bottom half. He refuses to wear underwear. There will be accidents but it will get better. He still wears a diaper sometimes.

How to nighttime potty train?

Potty training questions
Mu Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • We cut back drinks 30-45 minutes before bed. Child used potty right before bed. And then when ours woke up in the morning, she went immediately to the potty. We had a set time to sleep and a set time to wake up. And of course there were still a couple accidents, but establishing a routine always helps.
  • Nothing to drink after a certain time unless it’s water, always potty right before bed and if they lay there a while before falling asleep, potty again. I potty trained both my girls (3yo at the time) and that’s what I did. Also, I kept them in pull-ups at night until their first 2 nights of dry pull-ups and then I moved on to panties. For about a week, I still put a towel under their bottoms just in case and after that they were good to go. Took me about 2 weeks total to fully potty train them. We travel a lot also (long distance) so I used same method with traveling. I procrastinated foreverrrrr until I finally got annoyed and buckled down on them. I was so thankful I went ahead and got it over with. Lol.
  • Put them in training pants not pull-ups . So they actually get wet and don’t like it . Put plastic sheets under there normal sheets so not to ruin the mattress. Stop liquids a few hours before bed . Make sure the pee before getting into bed . 5 years old and not trained . Not good and in no way an I critiquing you . I get your a single mom working and school. So they have sitters . Get them on the same page . The key is taking away liquids at night.

Is It Weird For a Toddler to Be Naked While Potty Training?

Potty training questions
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Who told you it was weird? It’s normal!
  • Nope not weird at all. It’s harder for them to pull off clothes while rushing tk the bathroom while figuring out how to not hold it until last minute. I potty trained all 3 of my girls naked like that lol.
  • My 2 and 3 year olds are always naked at home. If a adult feels uncomfortable then it’s them that has issues.
  • Lots of people potty train like that. Whatever works for you.

When were your kids fully potty trained at night?

Potty training questions
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Our daughters a the same age down the month when if they will be 5. I fully got mine trained by 3 1/2 and that’s only because a few months after she turned 2 we found I was pregnant with my son who will be 2 in September as well.
  • Around 4 … we just started making him stop.drinking liquids an hour b4 bed and woke him up to use potty a few nights by a week his body had adjusted we only had one accident.
  • My first was potty trained completely by his 2nd birthday. My second son was done by his 4th. My daughter will be 2 in July and she’s just starting to show interest.

Signs boys are ready to potty train?

Potty training questions
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Mine were, staying dry for a long time me ( hours ) wants to change his pull up after he pees shows interest in taking his pull up off, tells you when he poops in his pull up.
  • When u change nappy sit them on potty and “say do u need to go to the toilet/potty. Just for them to get familiar with it. That way the know ok when I need to go to the toilet they say “I need to go to the toilet.
    Like above said they show signs of taking it off or telling u they have peed or pooped… my son is half and half with Toilet training an he has just turned 3. He confident in peeing on potty. We do sticker chart an show him lots of excitement of how good it is that he used the potty but I find he hasn’t had confidence in poops yet. An may have one accident of peeing which is usually from him not being able to get to the toilet in time an pull his pants down quick enough but he still knows that feeling an has gone to go.

When did you consider your child potty trained enough for school?

Potty training questions
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I’m not sure what your school district actually requires, my daughter has been completely potty trained since 3 and could wipe herself good a few months before she turned 4. She goes to school this year.
  • I sent my daughter to pre school in pullups , just in case , she always managed to stay dry,. Seeing other kids use potty helps.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Kristen Bell Says Every Child Is Different When It Comes to Potty Training and Admits Her 5-Year-Old Still Wears Diapers

My potty trained child has started regressing: Advice?

Potty training questions
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I have no advice but am also seeking help potty training my 5 year old he refuses its crazy. He is my 5th child and never ever have I had a problem like this with my other 4. I don’t know what it is.
  • This is pretty common, just keep at the potty training. I don’t have any better tips than that but it won’t last forever.
  • It’ll be a short lived phase. There’s a bit of jealous there and he’s biding for your attention. It’ll pass. Just keep praising him for being such a big boy.
  • You need to take him to the bathroom when you notice his cues. Keep him on the potty for a few minutes. Keep doing this every 30 minutes to a hour. And do not let him have a diaper at all cause that’ll make things worse. But regression is very normal when a new sibling comes home because your attention is on the new baby more than him right now so when he pees himself he knows he’ll get your attention even if it’s a negative reaction. Start having some one on one time with your 3.5 year old too.
  • It’s normal for an older child to regress when a new child comes. Most of the time they grow out of it.
  • Remind him of all the benefits to being a big kid such as candy, food, and play places as well as toys.

Remember, potty training is a process that takes time and patience. It’s essential to celebrate small victories and not get discouraged by setbacks. We hope that the tips and tricks we’ve shared in this blog post will help you on your journey toward successful potty training.

However, if you’re still struggling, it’s okay to take a break and try again later. Every child develops at their own pace, and with the right support and encouragement, they’ll eventually master this important skill. For specific questions you might have, share them on our forum and get real answers from seasoned potty-training veterans.

For even more great discussions from our Community Forum, keep reading. We’ve got the juiciest questions about marriage to share with you.


Question: Would I be in the wrong if I rehomed my husbands dog?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I def wouldn’t wait til he’s gone to rehome his dog. This should def be something ya’ll figure out before he leaves.
  • I feel like its wrong… My opinion though.
  • Ask him to do it before he leaves. Do not do it while he’s gone without telling him or talking to him about it. I gotta be honest if my significant other rehomed my dog without speaking to me about it that would be grounds for divorce in my home.

Question: Does it sound like my husband is seeing someone?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Not to be the one here that jumps to conclusions, but if something feels off, it usually is. Nothing wrong with checking phone records just to be sure… if you trust your husband then trust your husband, but if you feel suspicious keep an eye out for other signs.
  • Time to go into spy mode! Don’t mention it again to him and act like everything is fine until you can get more solid evidence that he can’t deny.
  • If I found a woman’s hairclip in my husband’s car I’d flip my lid.

Question: Is it appropriate for a married man to be drinking in a hot tub with another woman?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Must’ve been an interesting conversation…
  • I would not like that personally. I’d just bring it up to your husband. Boundaries are important.
  • Yeah that’s a hard no for me too. I’d lose my s**t.

Question: My Husband Won’t Give Me Access to His Bank Account Because His Mom Tells Him Not To: Advice?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Leave. That’s financial abuse.
  • I’m sorry but you need to move on.
  • If you are married, he should trust you with the bank account. You shouldn’t have to ask for money. If he can’t trust you with that you shouldn’t be with him.

Question: I found out my husband gets coffee daily from topless women: Advice?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I’d be flipping tables.
  • He’s a jerk. How would he like you getting coffee from a junk-exposing dude?
  • Not overreacting. You should walk around topless. Go to the store and family eventos topless and then see if he “over reacts”

Question: My husband sweared at me at our friends house over a pineapple: Do I have a right to be upset?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • It starts with verbal abuse… they are always sorry.
  • F**k him. He’s a control freak drop him. It’s only going to get worse.
  • He seems off/childish and rude. And a man would never disrespect his wife.

Question: AITA for getting mad at my husbands compliments?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Be grateful you get compliments from your hubs & loves you… alot if women don’t get any of that, ever…
  • Maybe try talking to him about how his comments make you feel. Explain to him what’s going on. He can’t read your mind love, you need to communicate with him.
  • My husband does this and I love that he tells me regularly that he still finds me sexy. Is there maybe a different reason this is bothering you?

Question: My husband wants to leave my for a girl in another country that he met online, what do I do?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Before you do anything with community property, find out what your rights are. You don’t want his attorney coming at you, for wrongful acts on your part. Whether he goes to the other women or not, I would have him out of my life. There are just so many things wrong with him as a man, a husband and a father.
  • Kick him out girl ! Make him feel like s**t too he’s using you for now basically.
  • Good riddance. Let him go.

RELATED: Michelle Obama Gives Sound Advice on Marriage and Relationships While Promoting Her Newest Book Titled ‘The Light We Carry’

Question: Am I overreacting to my husband’s comments on our special needs child?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I don’t think you’re overreacting, that’s heartbreaking. I’m sure it’s stressful but that’s no reason to say something mean, especially when it’s you doing everything anyways. Say something to your husband. Tell him if he thinks his son is an inconvenience then he can just go without you guys, as well as he needs to change his attitude because you will not allow your daughter to see this and think it’s okay. After hearing that comment I wouldn’t want to be around him either.
  • Drag your husband to counseling and make it known his attitude is not welcome, him and his family are teaching the children that being handicapped in anyway means they don’t have to be included and that is wrong. If he isn’t prepared to change boot his ass to the curb. I wouldn’t have let any of the children go it was a family trip not a trip for the selected ones.
  • I couldn’t imagine my husband acting that way to our children. It’s very sad you’re not in the wrong at all.

Question: What would you do if your partner downloaded tinder and said it was for work?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • “Believe what you want” is classic. He’s doing something wrong. Period.
  • The fact he actually thought you would buy such a lame excuse is insulting and then ‘Believe what you like’… He’s checked out. Time to move on.
  • What job would require you to download tinder anyway? Come on, I don’t think you need anyone else to tell you what’s going on.

Question: Does your spouse time you when you do something?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • That is insanely controlling!!! I don’t even want to think of what else this man does that is completely unacceptable and uncalled for. It’s only going to get worse over time though. #boybye
  • Tell your spouse to bugger off. If they want it done faster tell them to do it!
  • Time him during sex and then say he needs to last longer.

Question: Has anyones spouse had wet dreams?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • It’s VERY common! However, it’s not always discussed. ( I’m not saying that’s a good thing, Just that it occurs). I do think that it is something that needs to be normalized (in and out of relationships), and discussed.
  • Well, I can’t see my spouse’s dreams so going from pure logic and sense…probably. :rofl: doesn’t everyone at some point…
  • Why would you even post something like this? SMH!!!

Question: Is my husband normal?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • This is NOT normal. Dont let these women tell you that it is or that you should feel grateful for the attention. You owe him nothing, absolutely nothing, especially if it makes you uncomfortable. My husband was like this for years and years until I finally said Im DONE and Im leaving. He finally agreed to go to marriage counseling and it has helped tremendously. He understands why I dont like it, and that it is not my love language. I understand that it is his but I do have to work extra hard to be able to be intimate after all the years of unwanted touching. Do not let it get to the point that you resent your partner, speak up now, tell him to stop and if need be insist on a marriage counselor. No one deserves to feel like a possession instead of a human with their own feelings.
  • Idk. I don’t think it’s unusual but it would definitely get on my nerves.
  • He wants you… I will warn. Men like this are obsessed early and may find themselves less obsessed later.

Question: Would you be okay with your spouse going to a strip club?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I know my husband won’t cheat and he will come home to me at the end so I don’t mind.
  • Nope. Not mine… If he wants to get off watching other people take their clothes off and dance naked he can f**k right off.
  • If you’re uncomfortable with your husband going to a strip club for a bachelor’s party with his best buds you might want to reevaluate the relationship.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum

Question: Do I need permission from my husband to visit my family?

15 Juiciest Community Questions About Marriage That Left Readers Completely Shocked
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • No, you do not. He is not your parent.
  • You don’t need permission! My husband used to do this and would said we had something to do but we would spend the whole weekend at his moms. So one day i was done with it and I told him, we are going to spend one weekend with your mom and one weekend with mine. If he didn’t want to visit my mom then I wouldn’t visit his….good luck to you!
  • F**k no, you’re a grown a*s woman.

Marriage is a complex and beautiful journey that comes with its own set of challenges. Asking questions and seeking advice from others can be incredibly helpful in navigating those challenges and finding ways to make the most out of your marriage.

We hope that these 15 juiciest community questions about marriage have provided you with some insight into the realities of married life and some food for thought on how to approach certain situations. Remember, every marriage is unique, and what works for one couple may not work for another. Ultimately, it’s up to you and your partner to find what works best for you and to keep the love and passion alive in your marriage.

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Mamas Uncut is THE online place for moms. We cover the latest about motherhood, parenting, and entertainment as well – all with a mom-focused twist. So if you're looking for parenting advice from real parents, we have plenty of it, all for moms from moms, and also experts. Because, at the end of the day, our mission is focused solely on empowering moms and moms-to-be with the knowledge and answers they’re looking for in one safe space.

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