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Pregnant SIL Urges Mom To Change 4-Year-Old’s Name So She Doesn’t Have To Share Name

One woman is taking to Reddit for advice after her sister-in-law demanded she change her daughter’s name as the pregnant in-law wants the name for her own baby.

The sister-in-law demanded the original poster (OP) to start calling her 4-year-old daughter by her middle name instead of her first as she is pregnant with a little girl and wants the name for herself.

Pregnant SIL Urges Mom To Change 4-Year-Old’s Name
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The OP admits that this is not the first time the SIL has posed an issue. The woman, who is now 26, says her 32-year-old sister-in-law has always been competitive.

“She’s always tried to one up me, as she married into the family first (our husbands are brothers) and she resents that I had a kid before her,” the Reddit poster explained.

The OP reveals that she got pregnant at 21 while she and her husband were still dating. They had wanted to name their daughter Sophie at the time but when the poster’s mother suddenly passed away before the baby was born, they decided to make a last-minute switch.

So instead, they used her late mother’s middle name, Lilly, as their daughter’s first name and giving her the middle name, Sophie in 2016 when she arrived.

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And now, four years later, the SIL is pregnant. But the trouble began to brew when the two were discussing baby names for girls and the SIL told her “the only name she liked was Lily.”

“She said absolutely no other name will do and she even came up to me and asked if I would start calling my Lily by her middle name of Sophie so the only Lily in the family is her kid,” the poster shared.

And, of course, the mother was enraged.

“I told her no, that’s my daughters name and she just had to pick the one name that has some meaning to me cause it was my mom’s middle name,” the woman said. “I know she is doing this just to spite me.”

“She keeps harassing me and I told her to leave me the f— alone and she can pick any other name in the world that didn’t belong to MY dead mom who has no meaning to her,” she continued. “I heard she and my BIL have reluctantly picked another name, but she is calling me an AH for ‘ruining her perfect name.'”

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In addition, the OP’s in-laws just want her to kiss and make up with the SIL. “This woman is so f—— ridiculous and everyone is expecting me to apologize for upsetting a pregnant woman,” the woman wrote.

Reddit commenters were quick to chime in with their initial thoughts.

“I’m sorry, what?” wrote one person. “This is unbelievably entitled. Surely there are other names in the world that aren’t A. your daughter’s name and B. deeply meaningful to you on account of your mom! Your SIL sounds like a major, un-empathetic AH. I don’t know if there’s a term for a pregnancy Bridezilla-Babyzilla? Momzilla?”

“Honestly she can call her daughter Lily too and leave you out of it,” wrote one person. “Expecting to own the copyright of a name is just ludicrous.”

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