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Am I In The Wrong For Refusing To Allow My Husband To Eat Dinner With Our Girls And I?

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One woman is asking Reddit if she is the a**hole for refusing to allow her husband to eat dinner with her and the girls after he consumed almost all the food in the house — including the kid’s meals.

“This might sound silly but my husband loves food, not gaming not YouTube he’s weakness is f.o.o.d. I don’t hold this against him in anyway but his eats a lot ( he’s fit and regularly attends the gym) and sometimes I find myself cooking bigger portion of food because he’d attempt to eat from our daughters plates leaving them still hungry. We always run out of snacks as well so there are times when I have to cook twice a day.”

Am I In The Wrong For Refusing To Allow My Husband To Eat Dinner With Our Girls And I?
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“Yesterday at 4 p.m. I was out with the girls to get new haircuts. I already prepared dinner and left it in the fridge til we get back. I told my husband that I’ve put his portion aside for when he got back from the gym so he could go ahead and eat if me and the girls were going to be late. I called him at the salon and he said he got home and had his dinner and was doing some work in his office.”

But when she returned home, she was met with an alarming surprise.

“At 8 p.m. me and the girls returned home and I quickly went into the kitchen to reheat dinner because we were so hungry I opened the fridge and the food I prepared was gone. I asked him and he said he felt hungry after eating early and ate our dinner. I was angry, kept thinking what we were going to eat. I kept looking for other options and when I asked about other foods he kept shaking his head saying we already ran out of this and ran out of that. I bluntly said he was selfish to eat the girl’s dinner. He said he couldn’t help it, he’s always hungry.”

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“I went to order food from the restaurant for just me and the girls. When our order arrived, I called the girls and sat to eat. A few minutes later he walked out of the office and was upset that we didn’t call him to join us for dinner. I told him he already had dinner not once but twice and that I did not include him in our order since he’s already eaten. He lashed out saying that I was doing this deliberately ordering food from his favorite restaurant (pretty much all restaurants are his favorite) and excluding him from dinner AND teaching the girls to treat him as he was unwanted at dinner table.”

Naturally, the OP was angered which only added fuel to the fire.

“I called him selfish, this dinner was for me and the girls since he already ate our previous dinner that I spent time making. He admitted he was wrong to eat our dinner and said he felt bad afterward but said it was totally worth it. There’s no doctor, therapist, or pastor that could help him out with this “problem” he’s just a man who loves food. But I was behaving passive-aggressively towards him and implying that him licking food is a problem which is incorrect. We argued for minutes then he went back into the office saying I should feel bad for excluding him from our meal Needless to say he hasn’t spoken to me eversince and keeps teasing the girls about no longer sharing his snacks with them since they were okay with ME excluding him from dinner.”

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One person commented: “What kind of a man… or parent… or decent human being just goes ahead and eats a four person meal all by himself, knowingly eating a child’s dinner when there’s no other food in the house.”

While another said: “I don’t usually jump to divorce when a couple has kids, but yeah. It’s not just eating the food. It is the selfishness and nastiness he showed after eating all the food. At a minimum, after his gluttonous binge, he should have ordered food for the whole family so that they had something available when they got home. He already knew he had eaten everything in the house, not just the dinner meant for 4. That he just left OP and the girls to starve and then doubled down and said it was worth it (on top of demanding more food) shows he’s pretty irredeemable. For most people, this would be a wake-up call that they have a serious eating problem. He seems to know this on some level but would rather be nasty for days than seek help. Its ultimatum time, either he go to a dr/therapist about this or OP leaves.”

What do YOU think? Be sure to comment below!

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