Search Results for: adoption

My Infertility Is Causing Me to Experience Depression, Particularly in Relation to My Mom Friends: Advice?

My Infertility Is Causing Me to Experience Depression, Particularly in Relation to My Mom Friends: Advice?

A woman writes in asking for advice about infertility and depression. The OP says she is infertile, and it has recently been causing her to experience depression. She specifically mentions that her friends sometimes have “mom nights” and do not invite the OP because she is not a mom. She adds that it feels like no one, even her supposed friends, understands or cares about how lonely and sad she feels. She turns to our community of moms for advice about how to cope.

I Was Told My Baby May Have Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome): Advice?

I Was Told My Baby May Have Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome): Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about trisomy 21, commonly known as Down syndrome. She says that she took the Panorama blood screen when she was 13 weeks and the results came back stating her baby is a high risk for trisomy 21. This worried mom asks for advice from other moms who have been through similar. Have any moms been told the same thing and gone on to deliver a baby who did not have trisomy 21? Any advice or words of encouragement for this mom-to-be?

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