Search Results for: aries

How Can I Help My Daughter Understand the Dangers of Talking to Strangers Online?

How Can I Help My Daughter Understand the Dangers of Talking to Strangers Online?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 9-year-old daughter. She says her daughter has been caught multiple times chatting online with strangers (via chatrooms within games). This mom says she’s tried many times to talk to her daughter, explain how dangerous that can be, and has made it clear that is not allowed. She’s deleted her daughter’s games and banned her from using the iPad until she can figure out a way to convince her daughter to stop chatting with strangers online.

My Grandmother Doesn't Respect My Parenting Rules or Wishes: Advice?
Advice, Extended Family, Relationships

My Grandmother Doesn’t Respect My Parenting Rules or Wishes: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her grandmother. She says her grandmother — her son’s great grandmother — refuses to respect her parenting rules. She cites a couple of examples, including a time she told her son he was not allowed to go in the pool at his great grandmother’s house, only to turn around and watch her grandmother let him go into the pool. She also says she has repeatedly asked her grandmother not to kiss her son on the face, but she frequently kisses him on the lips. This mom is fed up and is tempted to withhold her son until things change; is that wise?

I Can't Decide Whether to Send My Son Back to Daycare or Not Given COVID-19: Advice?

I Can’t Decide Whether to Send My Son Back to Daycare or Not Given COVID-19: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about whether she should send her two-year-old back into daycare. She says she was due to send him back part-time after the arrival of her new baby, but due to COVID-19 and the ongoing pandemic, she is unsure if that is wise. She loves having her son home with her and the baby, but she recognizes that he is missing friends and interaction at school. What should she do?

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