Search Results for: bad baby names

My 5-Year-Old's Behavior Has Gotten Wildly Out of Control — He Steals, Lies, and Hurts His Baby Brother: Advice?

My 5-Year-Old’s Behavior Has Gotten Wildly Out of Control — He Steals, Lies, and Hurts His Baby Brother: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 5-year-old son’s bad behavior. She says things are so bad she basically cannot let her son out of her sight at all. He steals things like forks, tampons, and toilet paper, and recently he broke into her desk and took important papers, a letter opener, and money. She has also caught him on the baby monitor sneaking into his 1-year-old brother’s room and throwing things at the baby in his crib. What can this mom do?

I Struggle Deeply with Mom Guilt Whenever I Leave My Baby with Others: Advice?
Advice, Mental Health

I Struggle Deeply with Mom Guilt Whenever I Leave My Baby with Others: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about dealing with mom guilt. She says that her 5-month-old daughter has basically been by her side all day, every day since birth. This mom feels guilty leaving her baby with others, including family members. She is worried that this attachment is bad for her baby, who has become fussy the few times she’s let family care for her. And then she feels more guilt at the idea of leaving a fussy baby with a loved one. She’s looking for advice about how to get used to letting her daughter be in others’ care and managing her emotions and mental health in the process.

Should I Leave My Partner Before Having Our Second Baby or Try to Stick It Out?
Advice, Pregnancy, Relationships

Should I Leave My Partner Before Having Our Second Baby or Try to Stick It Out?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her relationship with the father of her children. She is due to deliver their second child soon, but this mom may be done with the relationship. She says her partner is no help with their first child, does nothing around the house, and can be verbally abusive. This mom wants to know if it would be best to end the relationship before the baby comes or let the baby come… and see if things get better.

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