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My Husband Gives Me the Silent Treatment All the Time: Advice?
Advice, Relationships

My Husband Gives Me the Silent Treatment All the Time: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her husband. She says that her husband, who is a great father to their children, will often give her “the silent treatment” when he is upset with her and during arguments. He sometimes continues to give her said silent treatment for days or even weeks. It is deeply upsetting to this mom, who has tried everything she can to engage with him when it happens, but nothing seems to work.

My Boyfriend of 12 Years Has Never Mentioned Marriage, and Today, Ladies, I Am Done
Love & Marriage, Relationships

My Boyfriend of 12 Years Has Never Mentioned Marriage, and Today, Ladies, I Am Done

A mom writes in to share her inspirational story. She says that her boyfriend of 12 years has never once brought up marriage. “He never intended to make me his wife,” she says. After three kids and a lot of emotional turmoil — a lot of feeling unloved — this mom says she reached her breaking point and has decided to leave. Though she is not explicitly asking for advice, having arrived at her own solution, many community members shared their reactions and tips for moving forward.

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