Search Results for: toddler

I'm Struggling with Virtual Learning and Feel Like I'm Going to Lose It: Advice?

I’m Struggling with Virtual Learning and Feel Like I’m Going to Lose It: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about virtual learning. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many families are struggling to adjust to virtual learning vs. in-person school, and this mom is no exception. She has two kids who have virtual school. She is required to be present with both at the same time because they are young and need her help. She is struggling with the schedule and organizing, and she is reaching the end of her patience with this new system of learning. Any advice for this mom on how to make virtual learning at home easier for both her and her children?

My 11-Month-Old Doesn't Respond to His Name: Should I Be Worried?

My 11-Month-Old Doesn’t Respond to His Name: Should I Be Worried?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 11-month-old infant. She says her son does not respond to his name when it is spoken. He also does not point to things. This mom plans to mention it to their pediatrician at her son’s one-year checkup, but she is curious if other moms have experienced similar with their children. She adds that she doesn’t necessarily think it is a hearing problem, because he responds to sounds such as her snapping her fingers near his ears. Should she be worried?

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