Mamas Uncut

Family Source Says the Duggars Are Coming Apart at the Seems Despite Josh Duggar Being Confident He Won’t Be Found Guilty

Josh Duggar’s arrest and upcoming trial are reportedly tearing his family apart. According to a source, the trouble that Josh has found himself in is “creating a lot of stress” on the Duggar family, at least for the family members who are actually acknowledging it.

According to the source, after Josh was charged with receiving and possessing child pornography on April 30, the Duggar family has started to fracture, People reports. “They aren’t as close as they once were because of all of Josh’s legal drama,” a family source tells PEOPLE in this week’s issue. “It’s creating a lot of stress on them.”

RELATED: Josh Duggar’s Lawyers File Two Motions In an Attempt to Get His Case Dismissed

Family Source Says the Duggars Are Coming Apart at the Seems Despite Josh Duggar Being Confident He Won't Be Found Guilty

The Source Is Saying Some Duggar Family Members Are Acting Like Nothing Ever Happened!

However, the family source also claimed that “the majority of the family is acting as nothing has happened. The source didn’t elaborate on who specifically was acting like nothing happen.

The source has even claimed that Josh is “confident” that he will not be found guilty. According to the source, Josh “really thinks he’s going to get out of it.”

Currently, Josh is living with third-party custodians, who are also longtime close family friends of the Duggar family, Lacount and Maria Reber. He will be monitored with GPS tracking until his trial begins at the end of November.

Josh has also been ordered to not have contact with any minors other than his own children. However, his wife of 13 years, Anna, must be present during those visits.

Anna is currently pregnant with her and Josh’s 7th child. While Anna has not spoken out since her husband’s arrest, other sources have claimed she is sticking by her husband’s side, something she has done many times before as this is not the first time Josh has created controversy.

Following Josh’s April arrest, many of the Duggar family members have celebrated several big milestones, from courtships to marriages to births and more, life has so far continued them. However, in July, TLC did make the decision to end their relationship with the Duggar family, effectively ending their spinoff reality show, Counting On.

In their only statement regarding their eldest son’s arrest, Jim and Michelle Duggar wrote, “We appreciate your continued prayers for our family at this time. The accusations brought against Joshua today are very serious. It is our prayer that the truth, no matter what it is, will come to light and that this will all be resolved in a timely manner. We love Josh and Anna and continue to pray for their family.”

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar Are As Confident As Josh Duggar and Standing By Their Son.

Additionally, the source told People that Jim Bob and Michelle are just as confident as their son and “are very much standing by their son.” The source continued to tell People that “Jim Bob always wants to sweep things under the rug. He’s never going to talk about the scandal because it’s bad for business.”

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