
I Just Found Out My Husband Is Having an Affair, and Now I'm Very Conflicted About Whether I Should Allow Him Into the Delivery Room with Me: Advice?
Advice, Giving Birth, Parenting, Pregnancy, Relationships

I Just Found Out My Husband Cheated on Me, and Now I’m Very Conflicted About Whether I Should Allow Him Into the Delivery Room with Me: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her husband. She says she recently found out her husband has been having an affair. Even more heartbreaking is that this woman and husband are due to have a baby in just about a month. After learning of her husband’s affair, this mom is feeling conflicted about allowing him to join her in the delivery room. On the one hand, she is heartbroken, and having him be there would be painful for her. On the other hand, she recognizes that she is giving birth to his child and that he should perhaps be there. What should she do?

I Am 7 Months Pregnant and Just Found Out My Husband Has Been Cheating on Me Throughout My Pregnancy: What Should I Do?
Advice, Pregnancy, Relationships

I Am 7 Months Pregnant and Just Found Out My Husband Has Been Cheating on Me Throughout My Pregnancy: What Should I Do?

A mom-to-be writes in asking for advice. She recently found out that her husband has been cheating on her throughout the entire pregnancy. She also notes that the cheating has been “especially” bad within the last month. She wants to know if other moms have experienced anything similar, and what they did or would do in this situation.

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