Adversity|Love & Marriage

I No Longer Have Romantic Feelings for My Husband Even Though He's a Great Partner and Dad: Advice?
Advice, Relationships, Spouses / Partners

I No Longer Have Romantic Feelings for My Husband Even Though He’s a Great Partner and Dad: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her relationship with her husband. She says that she no longer feels a romantic connection with her husband; instead, she only sees him as a friend. He’s a good man and a good father, she says, but the romantic spark is gone. They are currently living separately so that she can spend some time exploring her feelings, and they are already in therapy together. She feels torn between her head and her heart. Any advice for her?

A Husband Is Left Wondering How to Can Reassure His Wife That He Appreciates Everything She Does Around the House

A Husband Is Left Wondering How to Can Reassure His Wife That He Appreciates Everything She Does Around the House

“I’m the sole earner for our household, my wife stays home,” he begins. “We don’t have children. Due primarily to a string of horrible jobs that led to some pretty bad anxiety issues for her, we agreed last year that she could stop working and pursue whatever hobbies, activities, etc. that she wanted while I provided for us financially.”

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