
My Mother-in-Law Is All Up in My Business to an Uncomfortable Degree: How Can I Politely Get Her To Back Off?

My Mother-in-Law Is All Up in My Business to an Uncomfortable Degree: How Can I Politely Get Her To Back Off?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her mother-in-law. She says that her MIL is all up in her business in a way that feels very inappropriate. This MIL makes critical, insulting comments about her daughter-in-law’s house and mothering skills. She has told this mom that it is her responsibility to sexually satisfy her husband (aka the MIL’s son). She has pestered this mom about having more children. This mom doesn’t want to end the relationship with her mother-in-law, but she does need a change. How can she talk to her in a polite, productive way?

My Grandmother Doesn't Respect My Parenting Rules or Wishes: Advice?
Advice, Extended Family, Relationships

My Grandmother Doesn’t Respect My Parenting Rules or Wishes: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her grandmother. She says her grandmother — her son’s great grandmother — refuses to respect her parenting rules. She cites a couple of examples, including a time she told her son he was not allowed to go in the pool at his great grandmother’s house, only to turn around and watch her grandmother let him go into the pool. She also says she has repeatedly asked her grandmother not to kiss her son on the face, but she frequently kisses him on the lips. This mom is fed up and is tempted to withhold her son until things change; is that wise?

My Elderly Neighbors Let Their Granddaughter Enter My Yard Every Day Without Permission: Advice?
Advice, Relationships

My Elderly Neighbors Let Their Granddaughter Enter My Yard Every Day Without Permission: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her neighbors. She says her neighbors, an elderly couple, care for their granddaughter, and they let their granddaughter wander into this mom’s back yard almost every day without permission. This mom is OK with it sometimes, but the granddaughter also causes some problems: She sometimes plays rough, she often leaves the gate open, and ultimately makes this mom feel like she has one more kid to look after. How can she approach her neighbors and discuss the issue productively?

I Hate That My Mother-in-Law Refused to Call My Daughter by Her First Name: Advice?
Advice, Baby Names, Parenting, Relationships

I Hate That My Mother-in-Law Refuses to Call My Daughter by Her First Name: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about a situation with her mother-in-law. She says that she, her partner, and their 6-month-old baby live with her partner’s mom (her MIL). According to this mom, the MIL refuses to call the baby by her actual name and will instead call her “everything but her name.” This MIL also offers a lot of unwanted opinions, advice, and judgment.

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