
I'm the Only Person My Brother, Who Is an Alcoholic, Talks To, and I Want to Help Him: Advice?
Advice, Relationships

I’m the Only Person My Brother, Who Is an Alcoholic, Talks To, and I Want to Help Him: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her brother. She says her older brother, who is 13 years older than she is, is an alcoholic. He has been in and out of rehab throughout his life but still struggles. He is currently living with their parents, which the OP describes as a “rough situation.” She wants to help him but is at a loss regarding how to do so. She specifies that she is really the only person he talks to, and she feels that responsibility.

My Little Sister Wants to Move Out-of-State and In with a Boyfriend She's Never Met in Person: How Can I Help Her Make a Smart Decision?
Advice, Relationships

My Little Sister Wants to Move Out-of-State and In with a Boyfriend She’s Never Met in Person: How Can I Help Her Make a Smart Decision?

A man writes in asking for his advice about his little sister. He says his sister is about to graduate from high school, and after, she plans to move out of state and in with her boyfriend, whom she has never actually met in person. This man wants to support his sister’s decision and doesn’t want to come across as too overprotective, but he wants to make sure she is making a smart, safe choice.

My Brother Moved in With Me and Took Over My Daughter's Room, So I Kicked Him Out: I Feel Awful, But Am I in the Wrong?
Advice, Extended Family, Lifestyle, Parenting, Relationships

My Brother Moved in With Me and Took Over My Daughter’s Room, So I Kicked Him Out: I Feel Awful, But Am I in the Wrong?

A mom writes in asking for advice about a situation with her brother. She says her brother, whom she loves, moved in with her and her daughter a while ago and ended up sort of taking over the house, including her daughter’s room. In general, he wasn’t super helpful around the house and left messes for this mom to clean up. They eventually got into an argument in which she kicked him out, but she has felt awful about it ever since. It doesn’t help that her mom is also piling on the guilt. Was kicking him out the right call?

My Brother, Who Lives with Me, Is Mad I Won't Allow Him to Visit His Girlfriend During the Coronavirus Outbreak: Advice?
Advice, Relationships

My Brother, Who Lives with Me, Is Mad I Won’t Allow Him to Visit His Girlfriend During the Coronavirus Outbreak: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her brother. She says that he currently lives with her and her family, which includes four children, after he got kicked out of their parents’ house. He is insisting on being able to go see his girlfriend, but this mom does not want him in and out of her house during the coronavirus pandemic, as he could possibly infect her or her family.

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