
My Husband Is Leaving Me for Someone Younger: Where Do I Go From Here?
Advice, Divorce / Separations, Relationships

My Husband Is Leaving Me for Someone Younger: Where Do I Go From Here?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her husband. She says she recently learned her husband is leaving her for a younger woman. He has told her she needs to move out of the house they built together, and even more tragic, they share three children together. This mom doesn’t know what to do or who to turn to. Should she try and stay and fight? Should she just pick up, leave, and move on? Below, the community shares their advice for this mom in need.

My Husband Does Not Want Me or Our Son to Attend His Military Promotion Ceremony: Is This Fishy or Am I Overreacting?
Advice, Relationships

My Husband Does Not Want Me or Our Son to Attend His Military Promotion Ceremony: Is This Fishy or Am I Overreacting?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her husband. She says that her husband recently informed her he earned a promotion, which usually involves a ceremony. She asked him if she and their son should attend, and he told her that, due to COVID-19, they weren’t allowing family to attend these ceremonies. This mom learned from friends and social media that that doesn’t seem entirely true. So she confronted him, which caused an argument. Her thoughts are running wild about the reasons why he wouldn’t want her to be there, but is she overreacting?

My Husband's Friendship with a Married Woman 12 Years Younger Than Him Really Bothers Me: Am I Overreacting?
Advice, Parenting, Relationships

My Husband’s Friendship with a Married Woman 12 Years Younger Than Him Really Bothers Me: Am I Overreacting?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her husband’s relationship with their neighbor. This mom explains that she and her husband have neighbors with whom they’ve been friendly over the years. The neighbor’s husband is in the military and is sometimes deployed. This mom noticed that while deployed, her own husband’s relationship with the man’s wife was developing, and the two have become very good friends and often do things together. A lot of things about the situation make the OP uncomfortable and jealous. Does she have a right to be? Or is she overreacting?

My Best Friend's Fiancé Hit On Me: Was I Wrong to Tell Her? And If Not, Then Why Do I Feel So Bad?
Advice, Relationships

My Best Friend’s FiancĂ© Hit On Me: Was I Wrong to Tell Her? And If Not, Then Why Do I Feel So Bad?

A woman writes in asking for advice about a situation involving her best friend. This woman says that her best friend’s fiancĂ© hit on her. She has texts and other receipts proving this. She ended up telling her best friend that this happened, a decision which, though she feels was right, has caused a great deal of pain for both women. The fiancĂ© in question has been working to keep the women apart and to convince his fiancĂ©e to stay with him and drop her best friend. This woman is looking for support and advice, and she wants to know: Was telling her the right thing? And if so, why does she still feel so bad?

My Boyfriend, the Father of My Child, Cheated on Me: But Is Our Relationship Worth Saving?
Advice, Relationships

My Boyfriend, the Father of My Child, Cheated on Me: But Is Our Relationship Worth Saving?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her boyfriend, who is also the father of her child. She says that her boyfriend cheated on her. He told her a week after it happened. “It got bad,” she said, before adding that she told everyone in their lives what had happened. Since then, her boyfriend has apologized, calling it the biggest mistake he’s ever made, and they have been going to see a therapist. This mom wants to know if their relationship is worth fighting for.

I Just Found Out My Husband Is Having an Affair, and Now I'm Very Conflicted About Whether I Should Allow Him Into the Delivery Room with Me: Advice?
Advice, Giving Birth, Parenting, Pregnancy, Relationships

I Just Found Out My Husband Cheated on Me, and Now I’m Very Conflicted About Whether I Should Allow Him Into the Delivery Room with Me: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her husband. She says she recently found out her husband has been having an affair. Even more heartbreaking is that this woman and husband are due to have a baby in just about a month. After learning of her husband’s affair, this mom is feeling conflicted about allowing him to join her in the delivery room. On the one hand, she is heartbroken, and having him be there would be painful for her. On the other hand, she recognizes that she is giving birth to his child and that he should perhaps be there. What should she do?

I'm Finally Leaving a Relationship That Has Mostly Been Unsatisfying, But Am I Doing the Right Thing?
Advice, Parenting, Relationships

I’m Finally Leaving a Relationship That Has Mostly Been Unsatisfying, But Am I Doing the Right Thing?

A mom writes in asking for advice about leaving her relationship. She says she has been with her husband since she was 16. They have been together for nine years and have three children together. This mom says she has always felt like her husband has not paid her the kind of attention she desires, which led her to an emotional entanglement with a coworker. This has caused additional problems for the couple. After years of drama, hurt, and controlling and neglectful behavior on her husband’s part, this mom is finally ready to leave. But should she?

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