
Officials Desperate to Rescue 5-Year-Old Boy in India who Fell into 200-foot Well

Officials Desperate to Rescue 5-Year-Old Boy in India who Fell into 200-foot Well

A five-year-old boy in India plunged into a 200-foot well on Wednesday morning after playing nearby. The boy was near the bore-well while his father and other workers were fitting a pipe inside. Officials in India’s Barahbujurg village in the Nidwadi district of central Madhya Pradesh state have been working to get the young boy out of the well. It is not known if the boy suffered any injuries as a result of the fall.

Our Dog Has Become Aggressive Towards My Daughter and Me, and It's Tearing Our Family Apart: Advice?

Our Dog Has Become Aggressive Towards My Daughter and Me, and It’s Tearing Our Family Apart: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her family’s dog. She says her family’s French Bulldog has become aggressive towards her and her 7-year-old to the point where she no longer wants the dog in the house. This mom, who is currently 35 weeks pregnant and worried about the dog with the new baby, has tried to voice her concerns to her husband, but he doesn’t seem to see the issue as a serious threat. In fact, he has a strong bond with the dog and ultimately “spends more time with [the dog] than with us or our daughter.” What should this mom do about her dog and her family?

How Can I Help My Daughter Understand the Dangers of Talking to Strangers Online?

How Can I Help My Daughter Understand the Dangers of Talking to Strangers Online?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 9-year-old daughter. She says her daughter has been caught multiple times chatting online with strangers (via chatrooms within games). This mom says she’s tried many times to talk to her daughter, explain how dangerous that can be, and has made it clear that is not allowed. She’s deleted her daughter’s games and banned her from using the iPad until she can figure out a way to convince her daughter to stop chatting with strangers online.

My Ex Asked My Estranged Mom to Watch Our Daughter, and It Ended in Disaster: Advice?
Advice, Parenting, Relationships

My Ex Asked My Estranged Mom to Watch Our Son, and It Ended in Disaster: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her ex with whom she shares a son. She says her ex reached out and asked her to watch their son, she said yes, but instead he reached out to the OP’s mom. The OP is estranged from her mother and doesn’t want her watching their son without supervision due to a history of drug abuse and other issues. Predictably, things did not go well, and her son ended up getting bitting by her mom’s dog. How can she lay down the law?

The Effects of Smoking While Pregnant: These Are the Dangers to Your Baby
Parenting, Pregnancy, Women's Health

The Effects of Smoking While Pregnant: These Are the Dangers to Your Baby

There are some mixtures that definitely go together, like ice tea and lemonade, or cake and ice cream, but smoking while you’re pregnant is not one of those things that makes a great combination. On top of it being just a horrible idea, it presents a host of other problems that could alter your life and your child’s life in an exceptionally negative way.

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