dating with kids

I'm Conflicted About When to Introduce My Kids to My New Love Interest: Advice?

I’m Conflicted About When to Introduce My Kids to My New Love Interest: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about introducing her kids to a potential new love interest of hers. This mom, who is currently in the process of finalizing her divorce from her children’s’ father, is wondering if it is too soon to introduce her kids to a new man. She has known this man for a long time and has been circling a new relationship with him for several months. She wants him to meet her children, but he thinks it is too soon; he says he would rather wait until her divorce is finalized. But this mom anticipates it may be another year before the divorce is final, and she wants to know how her kids and the new man will get along. What’s the best bet?

How Do I Know If It Is the Right Time for Me to Start Dating Again?
Advice, Relationships

How Do I Know If It Is the Right Time for Me to Start Dating Again?

A mom writes in asking for advice about when she might start dating again. This single mom, who has a 13-month-old baby, hasn’t dated anyone since she was six months pregnant. She says her last relationship was bad, but she has recently started feeling open to the idea of letting someone new into her (and her baby’s) life. She asks the community for advice about when people in similar situations knew they were ready to date, the best ways to meet potential partners, and more.

How Do I Explain to My 2-Year-Old That His Father and I Are No Longer Together?
Advice, Relationships

How Do I Explain to My 2-Year-Old That His Father and I Are No Longer Together?

A mom writes in asking for advice about how to explain to her 2-year-old son that his father is no longer in the picture. She says she finally ended a toxic, years-long relationship with the father of her child, but her son constantly asks to see or speak with his dad. However, communication is very limited due to the aforementioned toxicity of their relationship. This mom also wants to know how she might introduce a new love interest into her son’s life at some point.

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