
How Should I Punish My Two Teenagers Who Snuck Out of the House?

How Should I Punish My Two Teenagers Who Snuck Out of the House?

A mom writes in asking for advice about how best to discipline/punish her teenage daughters. This mom says that the day finally came, and her two teenagers, aged 13 and 15, snuck out of the house at night. Though this mom is understanding — she remembers her own teenage misdeeds and mistakes — she does want to lay down some productive discipline to help teach her daughters about consequences. So what’s a fair punishment for teens who snuck out of the house?

My Husband Grounded Our 6-Year-Old for an Entire Month: Am I Wrong or Is That Too Harsh a Punishment?

My Husband Grounded Our 6-Year-Old for an Entire Month: Am I Wrong or Is That Too Harsh a Punishment?

A mom writes in asking for advice about discipline and punishment. This mom, who is currently deployed, said her husband grounded their 6-year-old daughter for the rest of the month because she watched YouTube videos behind his back, despite being told not to do so. While this mom agrees they should punish their daughter, she wanted to ground their daughter for just six days. She feels that her husband grounding their daughter for a month is too harsh for someone her age. Is she wrong?

10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Child

10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Child

It goes without saying that at some point, you’re going to say the wrong thing to your kid. It could be an off-handed comment you make while you’re upset that you thought wasn’t a big deal or something that came out wrong in the heat of the moment. Bottom line: It happens! Don’t beat yourself up about it.

My 5-Year-Old's Behavior Has Gotten Wildly Out of Control — He Steals, Lies, and Hurts His Baby Brother: Advice?

My 5-Year-Old’s Behavior Has Gotten Wildly Out of Control — He Steals, Lies, and Hurts His Baby Brother: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 5-year-old son’s bad behavior. She says things are so bad she basically cannot let her son out of her sight at all. He steals things like forks, tampons, and toilet paper, and recently he broke into her desk and took important papers, a letter opener, and money. She has also caught him on the baby monitor sneaking into his 1-year-old brother’s room and throwing things at the baby in his crib. What can this mom do?

My Daughter Always Asks if I Love Her After She Gets in Trouble, and It Has Me Worried About My Parenting Choices: Advice?

My Daughter Always Asks if I Love Her After She Gets in Trouble, and It Has Me Worried About My Parenting Choices: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 4-year-old daughter. She says her daughter will always ask her mom if she loves her after she gets in trouble. Whether she gets put in a time out or ignored or yelled at for bad behavior, her daughter always asks her mom if she loves her. This worries this mom, who thinks maybe something in her actions makes her daughter feel unloved in those moments.

How Do I Handle My 16-Year-Old's Disrespectful Attitude Towards My Partner?
Advice, Extended Family, Relationships

How Do I Handle My 16-Year-Old’s Disrespectful Attitude Towards My Partner?

A mom writes in asking for advice about how to manage her 16-year-old son’s disrespectful attitude towards her partner. She says that though they have some good days, her teenager has generally been wildly disrespectful toward’s this mom’s partner of four years. She says it’s gotten so bad that her son “wants to physically fight with my partner.” What can she do?

I Just Found Out My Son Has Been Cheating at School All Year and Don't Know the Proper Punishment: Advice?
Advice, Parenting

I Just Found Out My Son Has Been Cheating at School All Year and Don’t Know the Proper Punishment: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 9th-grade son, who, she learned, has been cheating at school all year. She says he admits to cheating and feels remorseful, but given that all of his privileges had previously been taken away, she doesn’t know the right course of action when it comes to punishment (corrective action).

Should I Allow Other Family Members to Spank My Daughter?
Parenting, Advice, Relationships

Should I Allow Other Family Members to Spank My Daughter?

“So my when it comes to discipline, I view spanking as a very last resort, and to due it with a clear mind, no anger. Other forms of discipline exist, and I think those should be approached before any else. Ex. Physical training (wall sits, Laps etc) time out, chores. Anyway, my husband wants to give rights to my daughters aunts and uncles, also grandparents to spank her, but i firmly believe if she gets spanked, it should be by me or her father only!”

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