Family Health

My 1-Year-Old Constantly Fights Me During Diaper Changes: Advice?

My 1-Year-Old Constantly Fights Me During Diaper Changes: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about diapering. She says that her daughter, who is 1-year-old, always fights her when this mom goes to change her diapers. “She wiggles and kicks everywhere,” this mom says. She adds that this is her first child, so the whole experience is still somewhat new to her. Have any other moms experienced their children putting up a fight when changing diapers? What did you do to change the behavior?

My 7-Year-Old Keeps 'Accidentally' Pooping Her Pants: Advice?

My 7-Year-Old Keeps ‘Accidentally’ Pooping Her Pants: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her daughter. She says her 7-year-old daughter, who is currently doing online school from home, has started “accidentally” pooping her pants. She uses the toilet as per usual to pee. This mom says her daughter told her that she doesn’t want to stop playing with her siblings in order to go to the bathroom, hence the accidents. This mom has tried talking to her “like a friend.” She has tried yelling. Nothing seems to be solving the issue. What should she do?

I Want to Try Co-Sleeping with My Child, But It Isn't Going So Well: Advice?
Advice, Parenting

I Want to Try Co-Sleeping with My Child, But It Isn’t Going So Well: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about co-sleeping. She says she and her wife have always kept their one-year-old son in his crib and have not had any issues. However, she would ideally like to move to co-sleeping. Unfortunately, it has not gone so well when she’s tried. She says her son thinks it’s “time to party and play” when she brings him into bed. What can this mom do to make co-sleeping work for her and her family?

I Want to Put My Infant in a Single Bed: Is That a Bad Idea?
Advice, Parenting

I Want to Put My Infant in a Single Bed: Is That a Bad Idea?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her infant daughter. She says she is considering moving her three-month-old out of her cot and into a single bed placed next to the parents’ bed. She says that her daughter tends to find sleeping on a bed more comfortable. Is this mom thinking too far ahead? Is it safe to put an infant in a single bed? The community weighs in with advice below.

My 5-Year-Old Suddenly Wants to Nurse Again: Is This Normal?

My 5-Year-Old Suddenly Wants to Nurse Again: Is This Normal?

A mom writes in asking for advice about nursing. She says her now-5-year-old daughter “all of the sudden” wants to start nursing again. She adds that she nursed her daughter for 3.5 years. But for the last year and a half, she has not nursed. She is confused as to why this might be coming up again now, especially given that she says they haven’t been around anyone who is currently nursing. Is this normal?

My Baby Has Never Slept Through the Night and I Feel Ready to Die of Exhaustion: Advice?

My Baby Has Never Slept Through the Night and I Feel Ready to Die of Exhaustion: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her baby’s sleep. She says her baby, who is almost 10-months-old, has never slept through the night. She says he wakes up “four-plus times a night” and recently has stopped napping as well. This mom has tried everything she can think, but the problem only seems to be getting worse, and both she and her baby are more tired from lack of sleep than ever. Adding to her stress is that she just started a physically demanding job for which she needs rest.

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