
Should I Still Be Covering My 18-Year-Old Son's Bills?
Advice, Parenting

Should I Still Be Covering My 18-Year-Old Son’s Bills?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her son. She says her son, with whom she has “never really gotten along,” moved out “the second he turned 18.” She still loves him and wants to support him in an appropriate way, and to that point, she is wondering: Should she still be covering his car insurance and cell phone bills? Let’s see what the community had to say.

Money Issues: Would It Be Wrong to Tell My Child's Father to Keep Him for the Summer Due to Financial Problems?
Advice, Food, Parenting, Relationships

Would It Be Wrong to Tell My Child’s Father to Keep Him for the Summer Due to Financial Problems?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her son and her son’s father, whom she is no longer with. She says that she has not been together with her son’s father for a long time; they did not work out as a couple. According to this mom, she eventually lost primary custody of her son, who elected to live with his father after being “showered” with gifts. She was supposed to have her son this summer, but her ex refuses to provide any financial support, even for groceries for their son, when she has them, which puts this mom in a financially impossible situation.

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