first-time mom

How Do I Get My Newborn to Sleep Anywhere Other Than My Arms?
Advice, Parenting

How Do I Get My Newborn to Sleep Anywhere Other Than My Arms?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her newborn daughter. She says her daughter refuses to sleep anywhere other than in her arms or right next to her in bed. This mom had a C-section, so sleeping with her daughter in the bed next to her causes discomfort, pain, and ultimately doesn’t really allow mom to sleep. She has tried absolutely everything, but baby won’t sleep on her own. Any advice?

I'm Going to Be a First-Time Mom: When Should I Have My First Ultrasound?

I’m Going to Be a First-Time Mom: When Should I Have My First Ultrasound?

A first-time mom writes in asking for advice about her first ultrasound. She says she just found out she is in Week 9 of her pregnancy, but when she contacted an OBGYN, they told her they would not schedule her first ultrasound until she is 12 weeks. This mom says every other mom she knows had her first ultrasound between 6-8 weeks. Is it normal to have your first ultrasound so “late” at 12 weeks?

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