
My Grandson Needs Glasses, But His Father Refuses to Allow It To Happen: Advice?

My Grandson Needs Glasses, But His Father Refuses to Allow It To Happen: Advice?

A grandma writes in asking for advice about her grandson, who needs glasses. She says her 3-year-old grandson needs glasses, but that his father — this grandma’s son-in-law — refuses to let him get glasses. She adds that this is not necessarily about vanity; her son-in-law worries that his son will be bullied for wearing glasses as he gets older. But the fact of the matter is, his son, who has been diagnosed as far-sighted, probably needs them.

My Grandmother Doesn't Respect My Parenting Rules or Wishes: Advice?
Advice, Extended Family, Relationships

My Grandmother Doesn’t Respect My Parenting Rules or Wishes: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her grandmother. She says her grandmother — her son’s great grandmother — refuses to respect her parenting rules. She cites a couple of examples, including a time she told her son he was not allowed to go in the pool at his great grandmother’s house, only to turn around and watch her grandmother let him go into the pool. She also says she has repeatedly asked her grandmother not to kiss her son on the face, but she frequently kisses him on the lips. This mom is fed up and is tempted to withhold her son until things change; is that wise?

My Mother-in-Law Very Clearly Favors My Youngest Child Because of Biological Relation: Advice?
Advice, Relationships

My Mother-in-Law Very Clearly Favors My Youngest Child Because of Biological Relation: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her mother-in-law. She says that her mother-in-law favors her youngest child over her oldest. This mom suspects it is likely due to the fact that her youngest is her mother-in-law’s first “blood” (or biological) grandchild, as her older child is from a previous relationship. Still, it bothers this mom that her MIL so clearly favors one over the other. What should she do?

My Kids' Grandmother Is Not Social Distancing and Works in a High-Risk Environment But Still Wants to See Her Grandkids: Advice?
Advice, Extended Family, Parenting, Relationships

My Kids’ Grandmother Is Not Social Distancing and Works in a High-Risk Environment But Still Wants to See Her Grandkids: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her kids’ grandmother. Their grandmother (on their father’s side) is not, according to this mom, practicing social distancing. Additionally, she works in a nursing home, placing her in an incredibly high-risk position. However, the grandmother still constantly asks to see her grandkids. What should this mom do?

My Mom Very Explicitly Favors One of My Daughters and It Makes Me Not Want to See Her: Advice?
Advice, Extended Family, Parenting, Relationships

My Mom Very Explicitly Favors One of My Daughters and It Makes Me Not Want to See Her: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her mom, whom she says explicitly favors the eldest of her two daughters. This mom says that her mom told her ahead of the arrival of her second baby that she doesn’t “know if I can love another one” After the baby was born, her mom continued to make comments and behave as if she only loves and cares about her oldest grandchild.

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